When Israel Loses Its Moderate Friends

When Israel Loses Its Moderate Friends
When Israel Loses Its Moderate Friends

Anyone sifting through the early articles on this website when it comes to Punditry’s position on Israel will come away sensing that Punditry has a friendly disposition and a deep affinity for the Jewish people of Israel. And we still do. But Gaza has upset that balance in unimaginable ways. When Israel loses its moderate friends because of its war on the women and children of Gaza, it is time for Jewish self-reflection and self-contemplation to understand the underlying reasons for that loss.

We have taken an equally defensive posture on Russia’s war against Ukraine because, like all liberal outlets, we believe in the sanctity of life of all civilians. As we did for the Israeli civilians Hamas, an extremist organization, has murdered in cold blood, even if it is in retaliation to the extremist government of Netanyahu’s heavy-handed treatment and kidnapping of Palestinians in the West Bank.

Today, we stand against this new Israel, acting as a terrorist nation, when we stood by Israel in days past. When Israel loses its moderate friends, the fault lies with Israeli action.

Two psychopathic ultra-extremist Israeli ministers are now in charge of Israel, and Biden is fine with that.


Punditry is attacking Joe Biden because the fool could have steered Israel away from its terrorist stage back to a more moderate one. He had the power and the purse to steer Netanyahu from listening to the two psychopaths, Smoetrich and Ben-Gvir, which he brought into his coalition government. But Biden did not. He watched as Netanyahu washed Biden’s hands with the blood of the innocent.

We still do not know if Biden regrets not having been more assertive and more demanding of an Israeli government that was so extremist, it wobbled into the illegal territory of international law by committing crimes against humanity right before the world as we all watched with horror. Biden could have done something, but he is too weak, and too old to assert himself. He does not deserve to become our president ever again.

Two psychopathic ultra-extremist Israeli ministers are now in charge of Israel, and Biden is fine with that.

If their own call them terrorists, who are we to deny that true labeling in the face of the realities in Gaza.


Israel has burned its images of horrors in Gaza into our memory banks. To expect anyone who has watched the suffering of the Palestinians by a superior army dropping bombs on helpless and defenseless civilians to evaporate overnight is wishful thinking. Never have we experienced so much Jewish hate before against the weak and the hapless. How could people, who experienced Nazi hate, emulate their butchers?

That is not the Israel we supported and believed in. In lieu, a monster has risen from the smoldering ashes of the burning flesh of toddlers and children.

As long as Netanyahu is in power, no one should expect our old affinity towards the Jewish people to rekindle any sympathy whatsoever. In fact, we are now convinced that there are probably millions of terrorist Jews like Smoetrich and Ben-Gvir who will make sure Israel stays on its destructive course.

As such, we will remain vigilant in condemning the new Israel, managed by terrorists and bona fide criminals.

If their own call them terrorists, who are we to deny that true labeling in the face of the realities in Gaza.

When Israel Loses Its Moderate Friends

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