January 6 Insurrection Birthed the New Republican Fascist Party

January 6 Insurrection Birthed American Fascism

For those who believe President Donald Trump cares more about his failed coup than impeachment, you are on to something. The President’s instincts, and his enablers in Congress, are discarding democracy in favor of a one-man, one-party, one-system rule. Without a doubt, January 6 Insurrection birthed the new Republican Fascist Party, and clearly turned this cancer within into a danger to the Republic.

The element of violence that we saw White Supremacists introduce on January 6 makes it official. American Fascism is upon us the way fascism steamrolled Germany in 1933. Its birth is attributed, without a doubt, to Donald Trump’s 4-year incitement of White Nationalists the like of which America has never experienced in its history before.

It is illogical, therefore, that our response has been slow and timid as witnessed by White Supremacists storming the Michigan Capitol on April 28, 2020 with total impunity. The FBI, and the other various national security apparatuses, all geared towards defending America from Islamic terror, have not caught up yet to the danger lurking in the White Supremacy of the new Republican Fascist Party. The Insurrection of January 6 was a wake-up call for all. America, on that day, witnessed the Bona Fide morphing of the Republican Party into a fascist cult movement.

America’s enemies are not the immigrants flooding its gates, nor are they the people of color gaining new voices in Congress. They are the White Supremacists spreading like the COVID virus across our society.


Cicero, a Roman politician and statesman, once said:

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.Cicero

“Heard in the halls of government itself”. If that is not a call for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate the Trump traitors within the U.S. Government who facilitated the Insurrection, then America is in trouble indeed. We must remove these fascists from power as soon as possible for their danger to our democracy. America’s enemies are not the immigrants flooding its gates, nor are they the people of color gaining new voices in Congress. They are the White Supremacists spreading like the COVID virus across our society.

The enemy within is White Supremacy built on racism and bigotry. No person of Jewish, Catholic, or Muslim faith will ever be safe if these groups are not eradicated. Every minority in this country must stand up to their danger. January 6 Insurrection birthed the new Republican Fascist Party. This birth should concern every American no matter their race or religion.

In the next months to come, the White Supremacists, in Congress and beyond, are going to test American Democracy at every turn.


American Democracy and American Fascism cannot co-exist simultaneously. Therefore, the US Government has no choice but to purge the Republican Fascist Party to start with the 147 Republican Representatives in Congress who questioned the legitimacy of the elections; in addition to the 11 Republican fascist Senators. Our leaders must know that this is a tug of war in which there is only one winner.

In the next months to come, the White Supremacists, in Congress and beyond, are going to test American Democracy at every turn, and if we hesitate to arrest them all, we will fail as a nation. Maybe Donald Trump’s was too incompetent to succeed in his coup of January 6, but this is not a guarantee that he will fail again next time he incites his followers.

Let Congress pass the laws necessary to arrest anyone who calls for violence on the Internet. A Patriot Act III, of sort.


White Supremacists police officers killing and incarcerating black men should have been the early warning signs to the danger yet to come. Instead, prosecutors and judges around the country ignored the writing on the wall. They played along. Today, they must reverse that trend. Our judicial system must empty the jails of black people and replace them with the White Supremacists who are threatening our democracy. It’s either American Democracy or American Fascism. You cannot have both side-by-side.

If Congress or the States do not hold Donald Trump accountable for the birthing of American Fascism by finding a way to lock him up, his legacy will only breath more oxygen into the movement of fascism. His followers have, so far, escaped punitive repercussions except for the very few the FBI has arrested.

Still at large are the White Supremacists who stormed the Michigan Capitol. Still at large are those who are planning violent acts but left to their social media accounts recruiting foot soldiers. Let Congress pass the laws necessary to arrest anyone who calls for violence on the Internet. A Patriot Act III, of sort.

If that means domestic monitoring without a FISA order or warrants, so be it. It’s a small price to pay when the freedom of the whole country is at stake.

January 6 Insurrection Birthed the New Republican Fascist Party

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