No One Really Knows Ron DeSantis

No One Really Knows Ron DeSantis
No One Really Knows Ron DeSantis

Of late, almost every story written about Ron DeSantis had one common denominator: Among his peers, no one really knows Ron DeSantis. It seems, the man never calls people unless to ask a favor, has no friends in the political arena, and never bothered to foster alliances among those who can help him achieve his goals. How does DeSantis expect to win the nomination for a presidential run if many in the GOP speak of him as if he were a stranger or a ghost? The enigma of “whom”, “how”, and “what” continues to leak out to the press to the delight of the Trump camp. One that seems not as concerned as before about his threat.

For DeSantis, it’s the ram-down-your-throat politics he has championed against Disney, which seems to be his strategy as well to cultivate relationships as he tries to build support for his nomination. He is asking people to select him over Trump based on his policies that are similar to Trump’s but without the personality that the former President employs to keep the elites feel important to his campaign. DeSantis never bothered to schmooze the politicians in his past, and it seems he is still employing the same tactics.

Politics is about personable gestures, and memorable small acts. It’s about building coalitions and alliances with those vested in your success, none of which DeSantis has employed so far. He, instead, sends his aides to do the talking for him.

“I think he’s an asshole. I don’t think he cares about people.”


In a remarkable quote, former GOP Republican Congressman from Michigan David Trott said about DeSantis as he sat next to him on the Foreign Affairs Committee in Congress:

He never said a single word to me. I was new to Congress, and he didn’t introduce himself or even say hello, I think he’s an asshole. I don’t think he cares about people.Politico by Eugene Daniels - April 21, 2023

That is the most damning thing a former Republican can say about any Republican colleague. Usually, such defining and vitriolic language remains private. In our opinion, what Trott said is right on target.

Another Republican Congressman and a Trump supporter volunteered his public comment by saying about Ron DeSantis the following:

There’s been events in my district that I was specifically told (that) I couldn’t be part of the press conference. I was told to go stand in the corner. I was not allowed to be participating in (events) when he was in my district. You can’t win friends and influence people that way, especially in the political realm. And, there’s been many things (about which) I’ve reached out to him. I walked up to him, gave him my cell phone number and said, ‘Hey, I need to talk to you about Lake Okeechobee,’ when I first got elected. And not even a person from his staff called me back.Florida Politics by A.G. Gancarski - April 22, 2023


Who needs another narcissist to preside over the country?


In Benito DeSantis, we have another narcissist who couldn’t care less about others. No empathy, and no interest in considering their existence in his orbit.

To show how little he cares about the very same people he governs, DeSantis traveled to Ohio to promote his book while Ft. Lauderdale was drowning under two feet of water. Never did he bother to see how Floridians were doing in the middle of a historic storm.

These are not the personality traits of a leader any of us want to see get within a few hundreds miles from the White House. Floridians voted for DeSantis in the last election because most of this information remained hidden from the public. Very few knew who DeSantis was like as a person.

Today, an image of Benito is surfacing, thanks to the Trump campaign and his GOP base of supporters, and thanks to new scrutiny by the media intent on differentiating between the bad and the ugly in the Republican race to the White House.

Who needs another narcissist to preside over the country?

We leave you with this funny clip of “Bobblehead” DeSantis answering a tough question in Japan. One that he is not used to answering.

No One Really Knows Ron DeSantis

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