Joe Biden Is Desperate For a Ceasefire

Joe Biden Is Desperate For a Ceasefire
Joe Biden Is Desperate For a Ceasefire

There are small signs emanating from the Biden Administration to show the world that Joe Biden is desperate for a ceasefire in Gaza. One that would quell the student protests, which are hammering his chances for re-election, and more importantly a ceasefire would obviate any reasons for Biden to make the tough decisions he hates to make. As desperate as he is, it is out of his hands. Hamas, believe it or not, holds the ace card in this war, and all Benjamin Netanyahu could do is bluff to invade Rafah to force a surrender.

Such an invasion would end the kind of Zionism we witnessed in the last seven months, as the world has little tolerance left for Israeli terror and violence. The truth is that Joe Biden is also desperate for a ceasefire, and Netanyahu is desperate to instigate the US to attack Iran.

Biden, for one, wish the world would just forget the role he played in the violent death of civilians in Gaza. He is beginning to realize, because of student protests, the mistake he made allowing Netanyahu to erase Gaza.

Technically speaking, the Gaza War is on ice for the time being, as its destruction has ravaged whatever political capital both Biden and Netanyahu had in the bank in their respective countries. Young Americans no longer trust Biden to do what is right, and the Israeli people have long ago lost their trust in the corrupt Netanyahu.

To call a 40-day ceasefire, followed by more destruction, “extraordinary generous” is like Frankenstein entering the Miss America beauty pageant.


Even our Zionist Secretary of State backing Israel’s mass murder of Palestinian civilians is toning down his rhetoric. Of late, the media, both in private interviews and in press conferences, has been hammering softly this affable-looking man for answers on Gaza he cannot explain. Antony Blinken is blinking. He is running out of steam trying to elucidate to the world why Putin should be punished for invading Ukraine, but not Israel for destroying life in Gaza.

Another sign to show Biden’s desperation is reflected in the choice of words Antony Blinken is using to push for a deal between Hamas and Israel. Honestly, to call a 40-day ceasefire, followed by more destruction, “extraordinary generous” is like Frankenstein entering the Miss America beauty pageant.

With this standoff, who will blink first? Biden or Hamas?

The Gaza War has changed US politics forever, especially if Biden loses the Arab-American votes in swing states.


Any analyst would tell you that Hamas worst scenarios are all behind it. Israel has injured and cornered the group, which leaves it no option but to fight back. That was Netanyahu’s biggest strategic mistake, as he embarked on erasing Gaza all together in the hope he would also erase Hamas. It did not happen, and Netanyahu finds himself on the defensive with only one move left to take: to threaten to invade Rafah.

We think Biden is going to blink first. His hands are tied with regard to upping the ante against the student protests. You see, not only Biden has to deal with a new Gen Z that is not drinking his cool-aid, but he also has concerns about their parents no matter how liberal they are. If he harms the students, there are millions of their parents who will join the mass protests.

Biden never thought, when he weaponized Israel unconditionally, he would find himself struggling to breathe. We hope this Israel Carte Blanche standard policy becomes a thing of the past. We hope future Presidents would, before opening the taxpayers checkbooks to Israel, weigh more carefully the mood of the country.

The Gaza War has changed US politics forever, especially if Biden loses the Arab-American votes in swing states. Israel may be America’s favorite son, but his violent streak has killed 50 years of empathy for Jews in this country, which is not fair.

Why? Because Judaism and Zionism are two different things.

Joe Biden Is Desperate For a Ceasefire

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