Kissing the Ring of AIPAC

Kissing the Ring of AIPAC
Kissing the Ring of AIPAC

No important politician steps up the ladder of U.S. politics before kissing the ring of AIPAC when it comes to their commitment to Zionism and the State of Israel. This became obvious when Kamala Harris selected Tim Walz as her running mate, instead of Josh Shapiro, many felt he was a more Israeli citizen than American because of volunteering to serve with the IDF. Many questioned Shapiro’s choice if his loyalty lies first with his own country, the United States of America.

Anyway, many in the community of Middle East observers were relieved that it was Walz, and not Shapiro, a Jewish-American politician committed to Israel openly.

But who is Tim Walz, really? Is he really independent of AIPAC’s greenlighting his candidacy? Nicolas Sawaya examines this question at Mondoweiss. Surprisingly, what we may know about Tim Walz is just the tip of the iceberg of how little we know about his foreign policy imperatives.

Walz fits the bill perfectly of a politician who flew under the radar during his governorship in Minnesota, but whose record in Congress shows clearly AIPAC’s influence.


Sawaya looked at Walz record during his tenure in Congress, and not to our surprise, discovered just how committed he is to Israel. Like we said, no one takes any steps up the ladder of U.S. politics before kissing the ring of AIPAC. If not, the heavy lobbying of the pro-Israel lobby comes down hard, like a hammer, on those who dare consider a candidate AIPAC did not approve of.

In that regard, Walz fits the bill perfectly of a politician who flew under the radar during his governorship in Minnesota, but whose record in Congress shows clearly AIPAC’s influence.

Sawaya writes:

The record shows that during his career as a member of the House of Representatives between 2007 and 2018, Walz consistently voted in favor of pro-Israeli positions. In these years he supported every Israeli war on Gaza, rejected the international consensus on the illegality of settlements in the West Bank, and opposed any unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, preferring instead to pay lip service to a “negotiated peace” while Israel continued colonizing the West Bank unimpeded. Mondweiss by Nicola Sawaya - August 15, 2024

In his article, Sawaya goes through a cacophony of evidence showcasing Walz’s indifference to the plight of the Palestinian people. One Bill, after another, Walz sides with Israel in every instance. Even when it does not benefit U.S. self-interests.

Arab-Americans should brace themselves for four more years of the same violence, indifference, and numerous massacres and targeted assassinations by Israel during the Harris/Walz era.


No one escapes AIPAC’s ring kissing. Walz, like Harris, will most likely side with Israel on every issue, right or wrong, and would ignore international human rights laws, just as Joe Biden has. In concert with Kamala Harris, we might add. The VP could not care less about the lives of Palestinians in Gaza, or the Lebanese in Lebanon, or the Houthis in Yemen, as long as AIPAC dictates she should not.

To say that Harris/Walz will be as bad as Biden/Harris is not an exaggeration, nor will it an anomaly knowing what we know about ladders, rings, and corruption of politicians in America.

Arab-Americans should brace themselves for four more years of the same violence, indifference, and numerous massacres and targeted assassinations by Israel during the Harris/Walz era.

If she wins, that is.

Kissing the Ring of AIPAC

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