Notice Biden Silence When Israel Massacres Palestinians

Notice Biden Silence When Israel Massacres Palestinians
Notice Biden Silence When Israel Massacres Palestinians

Israel massacred 117 civilians and injured 760 as they waited to collect flour to feed their hungry families. In response, all Biden said was that the killing will complicate negotiations for the release of the hostages. No condemnation of Israel, no sympathy for the hungry dead that Israel massacred intentionally, and no condolences for their families. In other words, notice Biden silence when Israel massacres the innocent and the hungry deliberately and savagely in the early morning hours.

His silence is not a coincidence. It is sending an indirect message to Israel that killing Palestinians is fine by him.

Ask any psychologist, and they will tell you that, in essence, these are the signs of a bigot, a racist, and even a monster. We have no doubt Joe Biden is all three wrapped in this grandfatherly personae to fool the most observant of eyes. If we elect Joe Biden again, imagine the mistakes he is capable of perpetrating due mostly to his detached and non-objective personality, as well as his mental decline.

No, thank you. Better Donald Trump, who has the personality to stop Netanyahu if necessary, than the weasel Joe Biden unwilling to lift a finger for fear he may lose Zionist contributions, and AIPAC support.

Many liberals around the country wished they had a different candidate to rally behind.


The Arab American Michigan “uncommitted” campaign was a resounding success. Over 100,000 signed on, which is enough for Biden, if the boycott continues, to lose Michigan in November.

We are certain that his advisors are telling him to bear in mind his rhetoric and push for a grand solution for the Israeli-Palestinian problem that would hopefully bury this enmity for good. Biden, for who he is, cannot bring himself together to accept that 100,000 brown people in Michigan could cause his presidential aspirations for a second term to fall short. He simply cannot.

His bigotry and racism are holding him back to recognize the danger he is in. So, as we all notice Biden silence with regard to the plight of the Palestinians, his campaign top brass are probably charting ways around the Michigan “uncommitted” protest. This only means he has to kiss other asses than those of the brown people he despises with passion.

Many liberals around the country wished they had a different candidate to rally behind, just as the Republicans wished they had another republican to support. In the 2024 elections, both the RNC and the DNC are subjecting Americans to the worst two choices possible. One candidate is too old and too decrepit, and the other too unfit and too corrupt.

What both have in common is their visible and unashamed hate for Arabs and Muslims.

Notice Biden Silence When Israel Massacres Palestinians

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