Lloyd Austin Middle Finger in Tuberville Face

Lloyd Austin Middle Finger in Tuberville Face
Lloyd Austin Middle Finger in Tuberville Face

The funniest thing just happened at the highest levels of the federal government. As we all know, Senator Tommy Tuberville has been withholding the promotion and nomination of at least 230 military personnel because he opposes the Pentagon’s new policy to help its armed forces have access to abortion clinics and services. Tuberville’s ill-advised action has rubbed the whole military structure the wrong way. However, now we come to learn that Lloyd Austin middle finger just found Tuberville’s face when the Pentagon, with assistance from the White House, claimed it is about to reverse moving the Air Force Space Command from Colorado to Alabama.

Hey, Tuberville, when you play with fire, you know very well you might burn your fingers. Let Tuberville explain his actions to his constituents.

Of course, the article mentioning the reversal blames the entire matter on the White House and on the strict abortion rights in Alabama. No mention of Austin Lloyd middle finger in Tuberville’s face, but a small reference to Tuberville “Not helping” as he continues to block the Pentagon from conducting its normal business.

What better way to shine the spotlight of Tuberville’s stupidity on all of Alabama?


We don’t always enjoy seeing a moron eat his fair share of crap. But, because it is Senator Tommy Turberville, a white nationalist racist par excellence, boy are we enjoying this moment. Hopefully, common sense Alabamians, especially those in Huntsville, would boot him out of office in 2026.

Huntsville happens to be one of the largest hub of defense contractors in the U.S., and businesses would lose big if the Space Command remained in Colorado.

With this move, a respected Secretary of Defense just kicked Tuberville’s MAGA ass on the national stage. That white supremacist nobody must be seething with anger, with flames coming out of his eyes and ears.

Bravo President Biden and bravo Secretary Lloyd Austin. We have to hold those who are harming our national security interests accountable for their fanatic and extremist positions. Let the message go out that if you dare to challenge the White House and the Pentagon, much can be done to make it a pricey proposition.

And if Tuberville somehow found Jesus and reversed his tactics, we believe the White House should stay the course by keeping Space Command in Colorado because it is a question of time before Tommy Tuberville, or other extremists in Congress, harm our national security and the country again using alternative devious methods.

What better way to shine the spotlight of Tuberville’s stupidity on all of Alabama?

Lloyd Austin Middle Finger in Tuberville Face

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