Most Moral Army Shoots Children in the Head

Most Moral Army Shoots Children in the Head
Most Moral Army Shoots Children in the Head

Head to CBS Morning News to watch Mark Perlmutter describe how, as a surgeon who volunteered to help in Gaza, he witnessed Israeli snipers perfectly kill children with two shots. One to the chest, and another to the head. Every time. The most moral army shoots children in the head, just as terrorists like ISIS beheads the innocent and bombs them without flinching.

If the world wants any evidence that Israel is but a terrorist occupier, the world has that evidence from none other than a Jewish doctor. But do not tell that to the Biden White House, the cowardly U.K. government, or the new Nazi Germany under Chancellor Scholz. They all are OK with Israel and its terror against children.

How can anyone with a sane mind defend this entity of terror? How can politicians who support Israel justify their support when they become witness to their atrocities? One has to be a total nut case to support the murder of innocent children by one of the most powerful armies in the world. Absolutely deranged mentally.

Watch this video, and try not to cry.

So while Israel believes it can get away with its army sniping children, other countries are beginning to mobilize to put an end to Israel’s existence, and we salute them all.


After what it has done in Gaza, Israel will not exist for long. The international pressure to dismantle this entity of terror that stole other people’s lands will only increase. Eventually, between enemies of the U.S., and 2 billion Muslims around the world, the unity of their calls for political and economic boycotts will render Israel a non-entity. As if it does not exist.

We are already seeing signs of this taking place in two distinct actions China and Pakistan took recently.

China invited 14 Palestinian factions that Israel worked hard to divide and conquer in order to unite them against Israel. They all signed the “Beijing Declaration” to set aside their differences hastily. With this move, China entered the Middle East conflict to balance against what the U.S., due to Zionist pressure in Washington, ignored for over 57 years. If Israel has the support of the U.S., the Palestinians now have the full support of China.

In addition to China’s important move, Pakistan announced it will set up a commission to target the Israeli economy by boycotting all the businesses that support its existence. Brands, like Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Nestle, Adidas, and so many more will be impacted. Many other Muslim countries will follow suit soon.

Israel will not exist for long, no matter how much the Zionists in Washington remain adamant about supporting its terror. Economic boycotts of American goods and services by Muslim nations will have a huge impact on the U.S. economy and powers.

So while Israel believes it can get away with its army sniping children, other countries are beginning to mobilize to put an end to Israel’s existence, and we salute them all.

Most Moral Army Shoots Children in the Head

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