Netanyahu Wants a War With Hezbollah. At U.S. Expense.

Netanyahu Wants a War With Hezbollah. At U.S. Expense.
Netanyahu Wants a War With Hezbollah. At U.S. Expense.

The criminal prime minister of Israel is not quitting. Benjamin Netanyahu wants a war with Hezbollah in which the United States pays the ultimate price in taxpayer-funded defense of Israel and US lives. In fact, this is the reason he is not stopping his war on Gaza, hoping Hezbollah’s attacks would eventually lead to his war with Lebanon.

And who will come to his rescue but the United States, which would lead to a regional war involving Iran, Iraq, Syria, and possibly the people of other Arab countries. There is a good chance Arabs might rise against their own governments to fight the Israelis. Especially, in Jordan, if Iran neutralizes their air bases, as it is expected it would.

There aren’t enough missile defense systems in the world to defend against thousands of missiles from four different Arab countries. Yet, Netanyahu is hoping his Armageddon will clean the slate for Israel to rule the region unimpeded.

To call him delusional is unjust to real delusional people. Netanyahu has lost his mind. All he cares about is to remain in power, and only wars will keep him there.

The last Joe Biden wants is to commit himself to a war he does not know when and how it will end.


After inviting Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to the United States, Gallant took a first look at the U.S. intelligence assessment, and began pivoting. How did he express his new knowledge? By making a statement that a diplomatic solution is better with Hezbollah.

We are certain, there is a knock, knock joke somewhere in Gallant’s retreat.

But Gallant is not the prime minister, and Netanyahu keeps pushing for a war no matter the outcome. Maybe, we should accommodate this criminal in the hope Iran might finally clip Israel’s wings of terror for good. Only a big defeat with major loss of life and materials to Israel would force it to the negotiations’ table with the Palestinian leaders.

Only when their next of kin start dying in battle, those terrorists would start thinking peace is the only way forward. Nothing like tens of thousands of Israelis dying to forge ahead for real peace.

The last Joe Biden wants is to commit himself to a war he does not know when and how it will end. In an election year, mind you, which shows how delusional Netanyahu has become. Even if the elections were not coming up, the United States has learned a hard lesson from the Iraq War that the Zionists pushed George Bush to dive into.

That’s not going to ever happen again, we believe. Unless some Arab country fires a nuclear weapon at Israel.

Netanyahu Wants a War With Hezbollah. At U.S. Expense.

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