Not One World Leader is Able to Stop Netanyahu

Not One World Leader is Able to Stop Netanyahu
The sickness of Zionism comes across clearly with this tweet. Not One World Leader is Able to Stop Netanyahu

We are watching live, before our eyes, the cowardice of world leaders, from the weak Joe Biden to the unfit Olaf Scholz, from the faint-hearted Keir Starmer, to the complicit Arab rulers, holding their breath and wishing for the best. Not one world leader is able, or willing, to stop Benjamin Netanyahu, or his coalition from hell, driving the region to a 100-years war. This is not going to end well. Not for the Palestinians, not for the Israelis, and not for the Arabs. After the Genocide the world has witnessed of Gaza, there is enough anger to go around to last a few more generations of violence. Mark our words.

Not the political leadership in the U.S. AIPAC bought for pennies, and not the elite Europeans claiming civilizational virtues, and yet willing to watch the decimation of all international laws, have the guts to stand up to Netanyahu. Just like circa 1933 in Germany when the same just hid from Adolf Hitler, and hoped the problem would go away on its own.

And the less this lack of global leadership shows its ugly face, the more emboldened becomes Benjamin Netanyahu, who is intent on starting World War III just so he remains the prime minister of an isolated country. It’s the Rubik’s Cube of politics, with no end in sight for the innocent Palestinian civilians Netanyahu is massacring in hospitals and schools. Or some of the more peaceful Israelis who now wished they never voted for the monstrosity of Benjamin Netanyahu.

Inevitably, no matter how powerful the United States might be, it cannot lock, for a very long time, almost one third of its naval forces to protect one country.


Retired Brigadier General Yitzhak Brik penned an opinion in the Israel newspaper Haaretz he entitled: “It is not Hamas that is collapsing, but Israel” in which he argued that Israeli soldiers are tired, demoralized, and their military academies are releasing them into action on battlefields before completing their training.

That is not a good sign for a country that some 500 million angry Arabs and Muslims surrounds. None of whom, except with some of their rulers, would not hesitate to shred Israelis to pieces the way Netanyahu is shredding Palestinian children to pieces.

Inevitably, no matter how powerful the United States might be, it cannot lock, for a very long time, almost one third of its naval forces to protect one country. Any flareups around the world would be disastrous for U.S. dominance. But don’t tell that to the idiot Joe Biden, who cannot muster the will to put Netanyahu in his place. If you want to see how world leaders act during an important crisis, look no further than to Joe Biden and his inability to control an out-of-control messianic genocidal maniac.

That summarizes well the legacy of Joe Biden.

The world is experiencing a serious drought in leadership that starts with Joe Biden.


Definitely, no one world leader is able to stop Benjamin Netanyahu’s blood-soaked, ISIS-like regime. In our opinion, there is no difference between extremist violent Muslims and extremist violent Jews because, at heart, they are all terrorists.

While all this is happening, more idiots in the Netanyahu cabinet are calling to open another war front with the West Bank. They cannot help their messianic intuitions, regardless of outcomes. This is why Israel has no future. Its leaders only see one soaked with the blood and the stench of death. Theirs and others.

The world is experiencing a serious drought in leadership that starts with Joe Biden. This does not bode well when the real leader of Israel is but a vampire madman willing to trade the blood of others, and his own countrymen, just to remain in power.

Not One World Leader is Able to Stop Netanyahu

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