Only a Big Strike Against Israel Can Save Israel

Only a Big Strike Against Israel Can Save Israel
Only a Big Strike Against Israel Can Save Israel

If Iran and Hezbollah do not strike Israel to shake the Israeli society from the extremist direction it has embraced, in the next election, they will vote for even more of an extremist government with more fringe and Messianic ministers. One that will continue to spread death and destruction in the Middle East. Only a big strike against Israel, by Iran, Hezbollah, and proxies, can save Israel from the path it has chosen. Its people need a wake-up call of what might happen if they continue voting for the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu.

Furthermore, only when Iran and Hezbollah strike Israel could the world enjoy a charade-free ceasefire talks that might lead to less bloodshed in Gaza.

It has become obvious to the world community that neither the U.S. nor Israel are about to stop the violence against Gaza, which will kill more civilians. Both are intent on bombing Gaza to smithereens to achieve their goal of a total ethnic cleansing of the strip.

That’s Biden and Netanyahu’s endgame. The complicity in the annihilation of the people of Palestine in Gaza. To stop their scheme, and to save Israel from itself, Iran and Hezbollah must strike Israel with fearlessness and devastating weapons.

Only then, their plans may change, and their voters may wake up.

Netanyahu is giving Iran no choice but to strike. Even at the expense of starting a regional war that would also halt all oil and gas deliveries to the West.


Both madmen, Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu, see October 7 as an opportunity not to miss an opportunity. Kill as many Palestinians as possible, and destroy all their homes to make Gaza unlivable until one Arab country, like Algeria for example, relents and accept them as refugees. The solution, for both genocidal maniacs, is in the killing, and not the ceasefire.

Nothing will stop both men until Israel tastes the agony of defeatism.

The likelihood the U.S. and Israel, under any administration AIPAC controls fully, would change its plans for stealing more Palestinian lands is nil to none. Israel is expanding, once again, through the death and destruction of the Palestinians. No mercy, and no looking back.

Maybe a big strike against Israel might change some minds and might stop the madness. Potentially, it could start a regional war. But short of that, Israel has become an uncontrollable criminal entity ignoring all international and human rights laws with the tendencies to continue its extreme violence against its neighbors with zero accountability. Either we stop it with a big wake-up call strike, or it continues on its murderous ways.

Netanyahu is giving Iran no choice but to strike. Even at the expense of starting a regional war that would also halt all oil and gas deliveries to the West.

Only a Big Strike Against Israel Can Save Israel

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