Russia Turns the Heat on Israel

Russia Turns the Heat on Israel
Russia Turns the Heat on Israel

A 20-year agreement between Iran and Russia will see Vladimir Putin offer the Iranian regime superior military technologies as Russia turns the heat on Israel. called it the “deal that will change the Middle East forever”. The deal gives Russia the right to explore Iranian oil in the Caspian Sea in return for expanded military capabilities in support of Iran. These capabilities will have an immediate impact on the Arab Gulf countries that rely on the U.S. for their security needs through normalizations with Israel.

The 20-year deal will include Russia providing Iran the most advanced Russian military technologies, to include nuclear submarines, Su-35 production lines in Iran, T-14 Armata tanks, nuclear power plant assembly, and more powerful ICBM technologies. This is what was made public. We suspect there are parts of the deal that will never be made public.

If the United States is unwilling to deter Israeli violence, countries in the region are quickly mobilizing to create that deterrence.


Some of these technologies, like the ICBM, will certainly threaten Israel. As well as the building of Iranian nuclear submarines that could sneak closer to Israel’s border armed with deadly weapons.

With this deal, Russia is building up Iran the way the US has built up Israel in the region. It really does not take a clever observer to realize that Iran to Russia has become what Israel is to the United States: A base to destabilize its enemies, just as the US uses Israel to destabilize America’s enemies.

In this case, it happens to be most of the Muslim countries in the region that refuse to take their marching orders from Washington. How many countries the US bombed, or helped bomb, in the Muslim world? Count with us — as provided by The Intercept: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-), Syria (2012-), and now Palestine (2024).

Although this deal is an extension of a previous 10-year deal, we believe its wide-ranging scope is the result of the Gaza War. There is no deterrence to Israeli violence and capacity to kill Muslims and Arabs, except for the Muslims to use parallel violence to limit Israel’s capacity to kill and destroy with impunity.

If the United States is unwilling to deter Israeli violence, countries in the region are quickly mobilizing to create that deterrence. You have to thank Joe Biden for this new Russian-Iranian deal. Our President cannot see two moves ahead in a chess board as Russia turns the heat on Israel.

It will take a few years for Iran to ramp up its military industrial complex, but it will become a mini-superpower in the region once it implements the whole deal.


In recent years, the vulnerable Arab regimes trying to survive in one of the most volatile regions of the world have chosen to rely on the United States and Israel for their security. In return, of course, the Arab Gulf countries would normalize with the State of Israel, which, from Israel’s point-of-view, would neutralize Palestinian nationalism and liberation movement.

This will strain their relations with Iran because the Iranian regime see the U.S. bases surrounding their country as a threat to its sovereignty.

But with this new deal, the pressure rises on the Arab countries to change course. They have one of two options: Either rely on a new potent Russian-Iranian security umbrella, or go against the wishes of their own people by normalizing with Israel. Not exactly an easy decision. Why? Because Iran will always hover over that neighborhood, while America relies on a much hated Israel to impose its will.

Furthermore, considering the history of the U.S. abandoning its allies, the Arab regimes, suddenly, find themselves cornered.

It is anybody’s guess how Saudi Arabia, which has yet to sign a normalization pact with Israel, might react to this new announcement. The fact that Saudi Arabia is in the same BRICS+ club as Iran and Russia, we suspect the country is going to take its time and not rush into a suicidal pact with Israel. Unlike the UAE and Bahrain have already done.

It will take a few years for Iran to ramp up its military industrial complex, but it will become a mini-superpower in the region once it implements the whole deal.

Russia Turns the Heat on Israel

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