The Face of Extremism in Israel

The Face of Extremism in Israel
The Face of Extremism in Israel. Abed Khaled/AP

Israel, so far, has dropped over 6,000 bombs on Gaza, causing untold death and destruction to civilian lives. The latest is the bombing of Al-Ahli Anglican Christian hospital, which the Israeli Defense Forces are disputing being behind such atrocity, as if the 6,000 bombs already dropped are not enough to label the government in Israel as genocidal. This is the face of extremism in Israel running like wild and uncontrollable beasts, taking out innocent lives to avenge the Hamas terror.

Yet, the world is mostly silent. The ones we call enlightened in Western Europe and the United States.

Senator Chuck Schumer, meanwhile, is unconditionally rushing military aid to Israel, not realizing this makes the United States complicit in killing innocent women and children in Gaza when such weapons fall in the wrong Zionist extremist hands.

Why would someone like Schumer, a liberal and smart American politician, trust the fanatics in Israel to do the right thing? It’s as much on him now that the Al-Ahli hospital tragedy is unfolding.

We must eradicate Islamic terror in the Middle East. If that means annihilating Hamas, so be it.


U.S. intelligence, monitoring the situation in the region through its NSA assets in Turkey, knows exactly who bombed the hospital. If the NSA does not confirm and provide evidence it was a misfired Hamas rocket, then it was the IDF.

You simply cannot convince anyone that an extremist government, like the one ruling Israel today, and which already dropped 6,000 bombs on Gaza killing hundreds of civilians, is incapable of such massacre. Many countries around the world, to include Germany and Japan, are asking for a thorough investigation, and maybe that’s what it will take to know the truth, which matters in today’s environment of misinformation and lies.

We have said it before, and we say it again. We must eradicate Islamic terror in the Middle East. If that means annihilating Hamas, so be it. There is absolutely no redeeming value in its existence.

Holding the organization accountable for its violent attack on Israel is an urgent matter, but then the question rises: Who will hold the extremists in Israel accountable for their war crimes?

Many Israeli extremist settlers today need to grab more lands for the twelve children they foster in 10 years.


The world community will never refer Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist cabinet to the war crime tribunal in The Hague. It’s too embarrassing to admit they support a democracy that went haywire. However, will the Palestinians file a request with the office of the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court to indict Netanyahu for crimes against humanity? Just as the Ukrainians successfully indicted Vladimir Putin.

Did Netanyahu not publicly announce he is going to turn Gaza into a “deserted island”?

Religious extremists groups in the region, be it Hamas terrorizing Israel or the Israeli settlers grabbing Palestinian lands, are to blame for this war. When the Israeli government sets out to annex the West Bank, slowly and methodically, the policy has consequences for millions of Palestinians.

If the international community is deaf to their pleas, and the Israeli courts refuse to provide a blind justice, then we have a situation where men of violence take matters in their own hands. Not every Arab leader is Anwar Sadat or King Hussein of Jordan. These days, Israel gets the worst of the litter, and it should know better than to pursue policies to disenfranchise millions of Palestinians by refusing a two-state solution the settlers have long abandoned.

Many Israeli extremist settlers today need to grab more lands for the twelve children they foster in 10 years.

The Face of Extremism in Israel

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