The Faint Differences Between Trump and al-Baghdadi

The Faint Differences Between Trump and al-Baghdadi

When you consider the strange and violent events that took place between November 3, 2020 and January 20, 2021, you cannot but wonder about the faint differences between Trump and al-Baghdadi, between the mindset of both their followers, and the politics of a cult. Both are fringe leaders with violent tendencies, and both have no respect for the rule of law.

Hate is a powerful elixir. Hate of the Jews produced Adolph Hitler just like hate of Christians produced Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. And hate of immigrants produced Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban. Whenever you find a high concentration of hate, expect evil people to either be behind it or take advantage of it.

In the case of Donald Trump, it is hate of any, and all, non-white people. Trump represents the very essence of open racism and bigotry, which is why he has so many followers and voters climbing over each other to sing his praises. It is all about how steeped racism is in the American political landscape.

Both men hate with passion, and both men have convinced their followers to commit acts of violence to serve their personal ambitions and goals.


Both men hate with passion, and both men have convinced their followers to commit acts of violence to serve their personal ambitions and goals. Mind you that there is a big difference between beheading Christians and beating fellow Capitol Policemen. However, did you know that prior to beheading people, religious fanatics started by beating them first? Read about the al-Mutawa of Saudi Arabia.

Both men have committed followers who look up to their charismatic leaders to inspire them. It is true today of Muslim extremists in the Middle East as it is true of the QAnon, White Supremacists, and Nazis who see Donald Trump as their revelatory leader.

Grant you that most of those people who voted for Trump did so as loyal Republicans, and not as cult-minded individuals with a blind advocacy for conspiracies. Nonetheless, Trump most loyal base are the people who stormed the Capitol. The same can be said about the most loyal people to al-Baghdadi who beheaded Christians and Jews publicly. The same hate drives both cult followers.

Trump promised his followers to make America great again. As coded as this message is, any Trump voter has their own interpretation of what it means. To some, it means re-calibrate the policies of the Democrats, and to others, it means let us kill black Americans.

Al-Baghdadi, on the other hand, promised his followers 72 virgins in Heaven. Since beheading people is more violent than storming the Capitol, the promise could not be vague and subject to interpretation. Unlike the clean slate of MAGA.

Until we come to terms that America has strayed the last fifty years from its common purpose, the American experience remains bed ridden.


At the end of the day, there are not too many differences between both men. Both have embraced tribalism to drive the masses to act violently.

How to corral back the lost tribes following in the footsteps of extreme Islam has been on the minds of many experts. On the Avant-garde are the Europeans whose patience, coupled by their unwillingness to pull the trigger first, may provide us with the right answers. Their expertise could help the United States address how to steer Trump’s cult followers to think for themselves using reason and logic.

Many who stormed violently the Capitol will have to come to their senses on their own while wallowing in some prison; but what do we do about the millions of Americans who still believe in Trump and his lies? The millions who believe in unreal conspiracies fed to them by Trump and his enablers? How does America restore sanity to these people?

This nation cannot afford to break away from its democratic norm; nor can it afford a Hitler-like cult leader in disguise. And for those who think President Biden’s message of unity is enough, just listen to this Texas man ask the new President to be less divisive. No kidding.

The challenges that lie ahead for this nation are immense. Yes, we survived a coup to overturn democracy, but we are far from having restored faith in our future. Going forward, behind every policy and every legislation, there will be lurking more disenfranchised Americans looking to equalize the playing fields. Until we come to terms that America has strayed the last fifty years from its common purpose, the American experience remains bedridden.

I believe HR-1 should help persuade some of Trump supporters to see America as a beacon of light, and not a beacon for hate.


HR-1 The People Act is an important legislation to restore our faith in politics as good citizens of this country. Its main purpose is to eradicate political corruption and big money influence. Congress must also find ways to stop depriving Americans of their rights for income equality and economic parity. I believe HR-1 should help persuade some of Trump supporters to see America as a beacon of light, and not a beacon for hate.

Then, let us invite the Europeans to help us understand how to peel tribalism and cultism from Donald Trump’s avid supporters. Trust me, they would bask in glorious gratitude if we seek their help. Unlike the U.S., their dislike for Trumpism has a historical perspective they all wish to bury deep.

So, what are the faint differences between Trump and al-Baghdadi? In addition to the above, I say they hate each other as much.

What else did you expect but hate?

The Faint Differences Between Trump and al-Baghdadi

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