The Donald Trump Rot-in-Hell Kind of Good Riddance

The Donald Trump Rot-in-Hell Kind of Good Riddance

Today, on January 20, 2021, America is about to inaugurate a new President. And boy was it time to witness the Donald Trump rot-in-hell kind of good riddance for the worst U.S. President in American history. America, maybe you don’t realize it yet, but with our votes we rid ourselves of the first White Supremacist Nazi President in our history.

This is how close our democracy came to collapsing, suffering from a fascist, mentally unstable President whose intellect does not surpass the intellect of your 10-year-old child. This is how close we came to Donald Trump destroying America by mounting a coup against our democracy.

No single U.S. President has ever managed to sow so much discord and distortion in order to harness chaos and destruction for his own personal interests.


History is not going to be kind to Donald Trump; nor will historians mince their words when chasing his record and the damage he caused our republic. Those who lived the one-term Trump years lived the worst of our history; and to many of us, the full impact of this bad history has yet to sink in. When one finds themselves in the middle of the storm, one does not know the extent of its damage until they step back to observe the carnage later.

We know from Donald Trump’s actions the devastation he has caused, but we certainly don’t know yet their lasting impact. Invariably, the questions we are asking ourselves without knowing for certainty the answers must give us pause to reflect on the harm of Trumpism.

No single U.S. President has ever managed to sow so much discord and distortion in order to harness chaos and destruction for his own personal interests. Americans expect a civil servant to serve, but in Trump’s case, he cultivated the servitude of 75 millions to please and benefit his own deranged mind. Never so many have fallen for the con of one man in so short a period of time, and it will be a long time coming, centuries maybe, before it could ever happen again if at all.

Speaking of a con, Germany had as many citizens at the height of Hitler’s powers as Trump has voters. Let that one sink in for you.

Today is the day we welcome President Joe Biden, not because he is the perfect President, but because he is a normal President.


There are two elements to Donald Trump’s personality that define him well.

First, he could care less about other people. Even those who adored him, Trump was always looking out for number one. Himself and just himself.

Secondly, Trump’s singular view of the world spun around the self-assumed supremacy of his own race. That fake and dangerous superiority led him to build a wall, separate parents from their children, ban immigrants from Muslim countries, and apply openly racist policies against black America.

Law and order was always about killing law abiding black Americans, and the reason he ignored COVID is because it was killing more black people than whites.

In his racism and selfishness, he was unapologetic. Trump did not roll out his racist policies while hiding in the shadow of some bureaucrat. No, he rolled them for all to see. A case in point is his Bible photo-op. There was no shame and no regret. Just the foisting of his cowardly supremacy on the rest of America. His White Supremacy in all its inglorious bastardy and heinous evil.

I personally hope Trump finds himself in jail soon for all the harm he caused our nation.


So, today is a day of celebration. We celebrate the Donald Trump rot-in-hell kind of good riddance. I, personally, do not want to hear his name ever again.

Today, America got rid of the stranglehold that almost sucked the oxygen out of its democracy. Today is the day we welcome President Joe Biden, not because he is the perfect President, but because he is a normal President. Mentally able to discharge his duties as our commander-in-chief.

As we celebrate the exit of our 45th President, let us also celebrate the Donald Trump rot-in-hell kind of good riddance we are wishing in our hearts. It’s hard to wish this man well because he never cared about anyone but himself. In fact, I personally hope Trump finds himself in jail soon for all the harm he caused our nation.

Trump believed that showing off his racism showed his strength when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Had he bothered to read about the rise and fall of empires throughout human civilizations, Trump would have concluded that breaking the inner fiber of America’s society that tied it all together could break America’s spine. Today, he leaves office in shame with America’s spine bent out of shape with all the divisions he sowed, and the Insurrection he led.

It will take years, and then some, to undo the damage of Donald Trump. Without a doubt, President Joe Biden is inheriting a broken and a sick country. Socially, politically, and economically, America’s spine is under such duress that it would take a small miracle to stand up tall and strong again as long as Trump’s shadow remains a stain on our politics.

But then, we have always been an optimistic lot.

The Donald Trump Rot-in-Hell Kind of Good Riddance

    1. I agree with you 100%. I hope he rots in hell where he belongs with all his supporters. They’re a bunch of idiots and Trump doesn’t care one bit about them but they can’t see it.

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