The Gen Z Force is Holding Israel Accountable

The Gen Z Force is Holding Israel Accountable
Children of Gaza Watching Over Their Father Under the Rubble. The Gen Z Force is Holding Israel Accountable

Israel has been getting away with murdering Palestinians, stealing their lands, and destroying their properties since 1967. Since that long ago period, nobody has held Israel accountable for its horrific actions as a European colony. Not the media the Zionists mostly control, just as they control most of the US politicians, and not the international law the United States has crushed for Israel. Not until today, when the Gen Z force of ideological young kids the world over said enough is enough, we are drawing the line here and now.

The Zionists have gotten so comfortable acting above the law for so long that Gen Z took them by total surprise. First on TikTok they ordered the United States government to ban, then on university campuses they ordered Joe Biden to stifle and to hell with the protesters’ First Amendment Rights.

The Israeli Zionists have been so commodious in breaking the laws over such a long period of time that they have now graduated to breaking our own laws. Not the flimsy ones dealing with some distant and abstruse Amendment, but the real McCoy, our First Amendment.

Of course, the media is going along with their assault on the Constitution. The same one that calls Donald Trump dangerous. The prejudiced news editors in charge do not realize that if it happened to students today, it might happen to anyone tomorrow.

Nobody bought into Israel playing the victim as it killed close to 35,000 Palestinians, two-thirds of whom are women and children.


Gen Z has opened the eyes of tens of millions of Americans to the real danger of Israel. It is true that most Americans are against the protests on campus, but they are not against a ceasefire in Gaza.

However, what the protests on campuses demonstrated was a far more damaging story about Israel than any of the cowardly US media could ever tell. Especially when there were thousands of young Jews protesting Gaza as much as pro-Palestinians students, which, again, the media almost totally ignored, except for a sprinkle here and there tucked away in the far corners of their web pages.

It brought front and center the miserable and deadly existence of the Palestinian people under Israel’s occupation in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. The last one Israel destroyed by dropping 78,000 tons of bombs in front of the whole world. After dropping the equivalent of 2 atomic bombs, Israel cried their usual “antisemitism” foul.

But this time, it did not work. Nobody bought into Israel playing the victim as it killed close to 35,000 Palestinians, two-thirds of whom are women and children. In fact, it backfired immensely, which explains why AIPAC wanted to enshrine a new, far wider meaning of antisemitism into our laws to the point where criticizing Israel is now antisemitic.

Idiots are those Americans who agree with the police breaking up and jailing the peaceful protesters. They don’t realize that they just murdered the First Amendment.


Once again, the Zionists at AIPAC attack our Constitution and deride our First Amendment Rights. Like Senator Bernie Sanders said it so eloquently that “Opposing Israel’s assault on Gaza is not antisemitic”.

But for AIPAC and ADL, anything that does not kill Palestinians and steal their lands is antisemitic, to include us saying the same.

The Zionists assaulting our students on campuses is setting a very dangerous precedent. It highlights how dangerous Israel has become to battering our own laws here at home.

Idiots are those Americans who agree with the police breaking up and jailing the peaceful protesters. They don’t realize that they just murdered the First Amendment. Furthermore, they don’t know it yet, but they just gave Carte Blanche to our politicians to assault any American for any reason at all.

Next time, some of you stand up to speak freely about one matter or the other, do not be surprised when the State sends its goons to attack you. Just for speaking your mind.

May the Gen Z force be with you when it happens.

The Gen Z Force is Holding Israel Accountable

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