The Global Community Must Sanction Israel

The Global Community Must Sanction Israel
The Global Community Must Sanction Israel

It is not enough to ask or pressure Israel to stop massacring innocent women and children living in plastic tents, nor is it enough for the ICJ to order Israel to stop terrorizing defenseless civilians. Furthermore, it is not enough for the ICC to threaten Benjamin Netanyahu with an arrest warrant, or his minister of defense with the same. None works with these barbaric terrorists. What will definitely work is extreme economic pressure on Israel to the point of destroying its very existence. Absent Joe Biden, who is 100% complicit in the genocide of Gaza, the global community must sanction Israel to destroy its economy.

Maybe then, a new Israel would rise with more modesty, and more humility that would accept a two-state solution.

This is the only mean by which the world can stop a terrorist nation that believes it is above any law, and whose main ally, the United States, is unwilling to even pressure it to stop.

It has become quite clear to many around the world that Israel must not survive in its present form because it is a danger to all humanity.

Speaking of humanity, how do you think the world would respond next time another anti-western rogue country violates the human rights of other people? The world would react with total apathy. The hypocrisy of standing up to America’s enemies on the same grounds that we stood by her allies for the same crimes would be too much to accept.

Israel is literally destroying the world order, if you ask us. This is how dangerous to humanity Israel has become.

In the White House, we have a weak President who also happens to be an idiot.


The global community must come together to stop importing any Israeli goods or services. It must do unapologetically and quickly in order to send the signal to the whole world that respect for international law is not negotiable.

The United States might retaliate against smaller countries with their own sanctions. But that is a price humanity must pay to punish Israel for its barbarism and savagery. Sanctions by Spain, Norway, and Ireland will have a great impact on how we must respond to Israel’s wrecking ball of terror because the U.S. will not sanction any European nation.

Next to the economic sanctions across the board, the global community must also ban any Israeli citizen from visiting their countries. No business or tourist visas for any Israelis. Period.

Israelis have been indoctrinated to use extreme violence against anyone who disagree with their methods of madness, and countries would be protecting their own citizens from these mad and psychotic Israelis if they ban them from their soil.

In addition, countries musty begin divesting from Israeli companies or companies that help Israel’s genocide in Gaza. This should be a no-brainer if we are serious about respecting the western-based world order, which has been mainly built on pillars of international laws. Laws Israel is violating with every terror action it is taking in Gaza.

It is high time we stop Israel and its terror. In the White House, we have a weak President who also happens to be an idiot. He does not realize the damage Israel is causing our country and the international community.

It is high time the global community sanctions Israel to destroy that violent existence to all humanity.

The Global Community Must Sanction Israel

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