When the Republican Party delivers billions in tax benefits to the rich, but refuses to raise the minimum wages from their slavery levels of $7.25 an hour, it is perpetrating an unconscionable act against the working people of this nation. How does it get away with it every time? The GOP masks its objectives against the interest of the majority of Americans by labeling the opposition to their schemes as radical leftists. You become a radical leftist if you seek free healthcare, which what the Canadians and the Europeans enjoy. You are a radical leftist if you believe higher education should be free instead of burdening students at their earliest ages of adulthood into a life of servitude to banks and a U.S. Government acting on their marching orders.
As many knowledgeable and smart people have said: Free healthcare is a human right issue, not a political ideological issue. The GOP, however, turns our rights into ideological divisions to sustain the untenable status quo. Labeling someone a radical leftist is the answer to every notion and every idea that does not escalate the income inequality gap.
How come Europe has balanced between its government responsibilities to protect socially and economically the public-at-large while maintaining a prospering capitalist system to compete successfully on a global level?
There is a point at which a wrongful accusation for a sensical law might become a dangerous slippery slope. Instead of abstaining from labeling someone a radical leftist when they seek to enable what every Canadian enjoys under their capitalist system, they should consider what would they label those who truly seek a radical leftist takeover? Crying wolf diminishes the cry after few false alarms.
Using the GOP logic, Germany, the manufacturer of the best cars in the world, is a radical leftist country. And the United States, which manufactures some of the worst cars in the world, is a capitalist success story. Go figure!
It is useless, however, to use such logic on old white men intent on maintaining a status quo that has long ago run its course. Any wonder why Senators like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are so popular among those who see our unfair and lawless capitalist society become the mocking joke of other capitalist countries.
No Republican Senators ask themselves this question: How come Europe has balanced between its government responsibilities to socially and economically protect the public-at-large while maintaining a prospering capitalist system to compete successfully on a global level? In Europe, for example, students get free high education and their citizens have access to free healthcare while their industrial complex is as healthy and the envy of every capitalist system. Think European Airbus vs. Boeing. Think German Mercedes vs. Ford. Think Swedish Ikea vs. a US equivalent does not even exist.
Our country is screaming for a balanced system of government where the haves and the haves not are treated with equal economic justice and fairness.
Why is it that the United States cannot find that balance between ensuring that their citizens have access to a higher quality of life while grooming our capitalism to be as competitive as that of Europe? The answer is simple. Because old white men who control through the filibuster, gerrymandering, and voter suppression laws refuse to find that equilibrium.
This is the moment when one grasps the importance of the For The People Act (S1). The law all the Republicans in the Senate filibustered in order to maintain today’s existing and ill-advised order. One that has already decimated the middle class. By ignoring S1, the GOP masks its objectives of cultivating unviable policies.
Our country is screaming for a balanced system of government where the haves and the haves not are treated with equal economic justice and fairness. Unfortunately, because the ultra rich have a choke hold on our government and its policies, it is highly unlikely we could ever find that balance. Unless the Koch brothers relinquish control of our politicians.
The United States is reaching a breaking point. Do not believe that the anger demonstrated by Trump supporters was mainly rooted because of election fraud. That anger has been hibernating for a long time and the 45th President harnessed it for his evil purposes.
The anger many of Trump supporters demonstrated on January 6 is the result of experiencing their economic prosperity dissipate slowly with no hope in sight.
The Democratic Party is realizing that the rich influencing government at the expense of the middle class is not sustainable. For the party to correct the course, it must pass the For the People Act.
Because as far as the public is concerned, the Republicans are unwilling to fix our broken system the result of which began during the Reaganomics era of our 40th Republican President.
This makes Mitch McConnell a danger to our future.