The GOP Wants Afghanistan In the News While They Rig the System

The GOP Wants Afghanistan In the News While They Rig the System

Hey U.S. media, Afghanistan is done and over with. You made your point about its fiasco for almost a week. Can we go back to what’s important now? Like how can we put more pressure on the Trojan Horses Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to blow up the filibuster. The GOP wants Afghanistan in the news while they rig the system when it comes to important legislation to save America from the predators in Congress who will do anything for a rich man’s dollar. The longer Afghanistan is in the news, the less they have to defend against rigging the system in their favor.

Let us shut down Afghanistan. What’s done is done. We all know what happened.

Let’s go back to why we left Afghanistan in the first place, which is to save the middle class in this country and to force the government to pay for services it has neglected to pay for too long. Like vision and dental for the elderly. Like student loan forgiveness.

We are the only industrialized nation in the world without Medicare for all. We are the only industrialized nation globally, which does not pay for free higher education. The very rich suck all that money for themselves in the form of tax breaks, tax evasion, and corporate socialism. It is high time America favored its people as equally as it favors the rich and the big corporations. If Europe has done it successfully, so can we.

Just put Afghanistan to bed, and let’s turn our attention to how to break the wills of the two DINO’s in Congress (Democrats in Name Only). The GOP wants Afghanistan in the news waving it with their right hand, while their left hand continues to rig the system.

This makes Biden’s strategy so faulty, it is not funny. Where are the smart Democrats to twist some arms inside the White House?


When many in Congress brought up the subject of voting rights to the attention of The White House, the answer they received was at best dismal. The President is telling everyone that the Democrats should “out-vote” the Republicans. His commitment to voting rights is on par with his commitment to student debt forgiveness, which is close to none.

Why is that so, do you ask? Because Biden is trying to unite the country again by appealing to Trump’s supporters. While Trump is alive and kicking him with every step he makes. If the President wants to win over Trump’s voters, the least he can do is throw the book at Trump for mounting a coup against this government. Once the Trumpists see their man in prison, then they might finally reconsider their doomed realty. Right now, they are all preparing for a Trump comeback in 2024.

This makes Biden’s strategy so faulty, it is not funny. Where are the smart Democrats to twist some arms inside the White House?

The likes of Charles Koch have sucked the economic oxygen in the room. Dark money is killing American democracy and the middle class.

The For the People Act is yet the most crucial legislation to give back some of the power the rich people hijacked since Ronald Reagan. It is not a perfect legislation because unfortunately dark money still commands the heights in our democracy.

Invariably, it matters little who you vote for if the billionaires, like Charles Koch, keep buying them on the cheap to legislate in their favor and often at the expense of the middle class. We vote for Congress and Congress takes its orders from Charles Koch. How convenient is this corrupt democracy? This is why the baby boomers generation owned 21% of national wealth and their children, the Millennials, own a mere 3%.

Corporate America and the billionaires killed America’s middle class.

What The For the People Act provides is the right for everyone to vote unimpeded, and place some restrictions on political loopholes causing much corruption in our system. It’s a start. Eventually, as the billionaires could no longer stop the rise of progressives because of their greed, there will be a time when they can vote for stronger legislation to eradicate dark money and the corporate buying of our Congress.

Meanwhile, Afghanistan seems to stand in our way. Let us get all Americans and Afghan allies out and move on.

The GOP Wants Afghanistan In the News While They Rig the System

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