The Insurrection Commission is About Investigating the GOP

The Insurrection Commission is About Investigating the GOP

There are those gullible among us who believe that the Insurrection Commission will, somehow, avoid politicization. That it will look and feel like the 9/11 Commission, which was a model of bipartisanship. Let’s be clear here, the Insurrection Commission is about investigating the GOP, the enemy within that incited and facilitated the storming of the Capitol; along with Members of the GOP Congress who aided and abetted the terrorists. Anyone who believes we are going to treat an enemy that struck us from outside the same way we are going to deal with an enemy that struck us from within needs some therapy. It ain’t happening, folks. And it should not.

It is normal when Osama bin Laden attacked our nation for all Americans to rally behind their President. But anyone who rallies behind Donald Trump after inciting the storming of the Capitol is a traitor to their country. Manage your anger issues buddy. This nation should never subject itself to the whims of terrorists for their spur of the feel-good-moment.

To put it gently, the Insurrection Commission is about one group of white folks investigating another group of white folks. How is that for a cauldron of fireworks? We, the multiculturalists, are just sitting this one out in a theater with buckets of popcorn in our laps.


ABC News writers

But 20 years later, veterans of the commission’s investigation into the 2001 terror attacks worry that it will be challenging to keep politics out of an inquiry into the Jan. 6 attack that led to President Donald Trump’s unprecedented second impeachment, on charges he incited the riot.ABC News - Benjamin Siegel and Katherine Faulders

To put it gently, the Insurrection Commission is about one group of white folks investigating another group of white folks. How is that for a cauldron of fireworks? We, the multiculturalists, are just sitting this one out in a theater with buckets of popcorn in our laps.

Johnson’s betrayal of Lincoln’s goals is equivalent today to the GOP saying “Let us move on”.


Americans should get a refresher course about the history of the Reconstruction as seen from the prism of a pro-slavery racist and an impeached President as well.

Following Lincoln’s assassination in April 1865, Andrew Johnson became president and inaugurated the period of Presidential Reconstruction (1865–67). Johnson offered a pardon to all Southern whites except Confederate leaders and wealthy planters (although most of these subsequently received individual pardons), restoring their political rights and all property except slaves. He also outlined how new state governments would be created. Apart from the requirement that they abolish slavery, repudiate secession, and abrogate the Confederate debt, these governments were granted a free hand in managing their affairs. They responded by enacting the Black codes, laws that required African Americans to sign yearly labor contracts and in other ways sought to limit the freedmen’s economic options and reestablish plantation discipline. African Americans strongly resisted the implementation of these measures, and they seriously undermined Northern support for Johnson’s policies.Encyclopedia Britannica

Johnson’s betrayal of Lincoln’s goals is equivalent today to the GOP saying “Let us move on”. If we do not hold the insurrectionists and their backers fully accountable, they will parade the Confederate flag again in our Capitol. The Insurrection Commission has this unique and historical opportunity to force, once and for all, the full surrender of the Confederate terrorists. If the Confederates are rising some 156 years after the Civil War, they will rise again in a 150 years to claim the Union.

It’s a 100% loyalty to the Union, or perish in jails. This country cannot afford to re-visit its Civil War era every so often just because it did not take the necessary steps to eradicate the Secessionists by passing the necessary domestic terror laws to throw them in jails for the smallest of infractions.


When President Lincoln proposed the Reconstruction, he concluded that in order to break the Confederates’ will among the eleven Secessionist states, all he needed was the loyalty of 10% of the voters who swore an oath to the Union prior to the war. It’s not too dissimilar from Rep. Liz Cheney and Senator Mitt Romney positions against Donald Trump and the insurrectionists.

But today, the majority of the country is not willing, if you poll the voters, to let the GOP members of Congress off the hook for their treason. It’s a 100% loyalty to the Union, or perish in jails. This country cannot afford to re-visit its Civil War era every so often just because it did not take the necessary steps to eradicate the Secessionists by passing the necessary domestic terror laws to throw them in jails for the smallest of infractions.

The Insurrection Commission recommendations must include whatever measures are necessary to defeat racism and White Supremacy for good. No ten-percent plan. Anything short of total surrender will invite Trump, Hawley, Cruz, Graham, and others to try again to break our multicultural democratic society the first opportunity they get.

The insurrection commission is about investigating the GOP ranks for Confederates trying to break the Union. How could that not be political? How could that not be about saving our republic?

This is war, and like every war, the loser submits fully to the winner.

The Insurrection Commission is About Investigating the GOP

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