Investigate the Evangelical Complicity in the Insurrection

Investigate the Evangelical Complicity in the Insurrection

Freedom of religion has developed into freedom to storm the Capitol. No one is looking into the role the Evangelicals are playing in turning the GOP into a cult religious movement. The FBI must investigate the Evangelical complicity in the insurrection given the letter that Rep. Adam Kinzinger received from his family. That letter should open our eyes to the brain washing going on in their churches to throw the republic into a tailspin towards dictatorship in which the church stands to become ruler, juror, and legislator.

The ability of the far right religious groups to destroy our democracy is limitless. Their support for the cult of Trump is proof of their long-term intentions for our republic. The Justice Department must investigate the role they played in the insurrection if the January 6 Commission fails to address the threats of the White Supremacists religious alt-right.

The body of Capitol Policeman Brian Sikcnick was still warm when the Kinzinger family wrote their heinous letter. How is that for Evangelical Christian love?


The letter Rep. Adam Kinzinger received from 11 members of his family, after voting to impeach Donald Trump, is such an eye-opener in terms of the role the white Evangelical church is playing in dividing this country. One sentence, from the letter, stands in judgment of those who endlessly judge others:

Oh my, what a disappointment you are to us and to God! … It is now most embarrassing to us that we are related to youFamily of Rep. Adam Kinzinger - January 8, 2021

“Disappointment … to us and to God”. What does God have to do with the impeachment of Donald Trump? Or is it His wishes, as the Evangelical followers in the Kinzinger family claim, that Donald Trump should be exonerated from his treason to incite a mob to storm the Capitol? If so, does that not constitute evidence that the extreme alt-right religious groups are complicit in the Insurrection of January 6? The Justice Department must look into the role the Evangelicals played in inciting their followers to support a treasonous President. It is not a coincidence that we saw Trump’s supporters parade the Confederates flag in the Capitol the day of the storming.

Furthermore, the letter was sent a mere two days after the insurrection. Just enough time to call the extended members of the Kinzinger family and get 11 of them to sign it. What does that tell you about thinking this through? What does that tell us about the rush to judgment Evangelicals have turned into an art form when it comes to judging others?

The body of Capitol Policeman Brian Sikcnick was still warm when the Kinzinger family wrote their heinous letter. How is that for Evangelical Christian love?

However horrifying I find the spectacle of white Christians storming the Capitol in hopes of keeping Donald Trump in power, I do not find it at all surprising, because I grew up in the Christian nationalist movement.


It is true that the white Evangelicals in America hate everyone that is not. This is the honest truth. And nothing more that a Catholic President could bring the venom out of these backward thinking creatures. Even though Donald Trump is far from being a practicing Christian — the man would piss on a cross if it made him money — the Evangelicals stuck to him like a scorpion stuck to a frog crossing the river.

There is no Reconstruction effort that could possibly reintegrate these extremists into a stable and democratic society.

Why would the Evangelicals make their bet on an outsider? A not so religious of a man who is married to an Orthodox Christian? Because they saw in him the crazy fellow that would take them to the promise land of state and religion fusing into one entity. This separation of powers does not sit well with the white Evangelicals, and they saw in Trump as the vehicle to fold the State into their religion zealotry. Could that be the reason that none of the Evangelical leaders condemned the storming of the Capitol?

Here is another eye opener from a past Evangelical Christian who wrote:

Many of the insurgents bore flags specifically referencing Christianity. There were the Jesus 2020 flags, which resemble Trump banners; flags with the the ichthys, the Christian fish; an American flag that read “Make America Godly Again”; a banner proclaiming, “Jesus is my Savior” on one side, and “Trump is my President” on the other; as well as the “official” Christian flag with the red cross against a blue background. However horrifying I find the spectacle of white Christians storming the Capitol in hopes of keeping Donald Trump in power, I do not find it at all surprising, because I grew up in the Christian nationalist movement. Growing up I came to understand firsthand that many Christian nationalists view people who don’t practice their form of Christianity as illegitimate. I also came to understand how racism is ingrained in the teachings of the white evangelical church.Deirdre Sugiuchi - January 28, 2021


The Kinzinger letter is of such historic value because it highlights the role white Christian extremists are playing in destroying our democracy. It is the reason why our Justice Department must investigate the communications of their leaders prior to January 6 to include any records related to their interaction with Donald Trump.

If we kick the can down the road again, the white Evangelicals will come back to haunt us again. There is no Reconstruction effort that could possibly reintegrate these extremists into a stable and democratic society.

Investigate the Evangelical Complicity in the Insurrection

1 comment
  1. No doubt Evangelicals are guilty of treason against a country that allows them to practice their religion. They have morphed into Radical Christian group willing to commit acts of violence and are more dangerous than Radical Islamic groups because if easy access to guns in our country.

    They should be view by law enforcement with somes lens as White Nationalist Militia and arrested and sent to prison.

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