The Israeli Messianic Ultra-Right Needs a Thrashing

The Israeli Messianic Ultra-Right Needs a Thrashing
The Israeli Messianic Ultra-Right Needs a Thrashing

Consider this absurdity. Israelis cannot protect north Israel from Hezbollah’s rockets and drones, yet the extremists in Israel are holding conferences about settling Lebanon. They really believe that sooner, or later, they will also steal Lebanon for their terrorist settlers to occupy or annex. In our opinion, the Israeli messianic ultra-right needs a military thrashing that would bring them down back to earth. A few hundreds signed hypersonic missiles might just do the job.

From South Lebanon, it would take such missiles less than 10 seconds to reach their targets, most likely all the Air Force military bases in Israel. Just enough time for an Iron Dome to realize it went past it.

Unless some country, somewhere teaches the extremist Zionists in Israel an unforgettable lesson, Israel will always be a threat to all Arabs and Muslims in the region. Those bastards will not spare one country, not even those it made peace with like Jordan and Egypt. The Israeli messianic ultra-right requires a thrashing.

They [Messianic Zionists] just use their access to the media to sleepwalk the US and Europe into fighting, and their young men dying, on their behalf.


Netanyahu and his ilk are so eager to start a war against Lebanon, they had their Zionist unnamed goons at The Telegraph publish a false story about Hezbollah storing weapons at Beirut International Airport, a civilian infrastructure.

Just as Israel went after UNRWA by accusing its employees to be connected to the October 7 attack, which Israel could never prove, it is now trying to start a war against Lebanon by planting falsehoods. Israel wants to make sure that the Beirut airport does not become a conduit for weapon delivery by Iran in case Israel attacks Lebanon. Not that Iran ever uses a civilian airport for such when it has so many delivery points through the Mediterranean, on land through Syria, and of course directly to the Bekaa valley.

But the European terrorists in Israel who are settling Arab lands want their pound of flesh in the form of murdering more Arab and Muslim civilians.

This is how the hideous extreme Zionists of Israel start wars. They just use their access to the media to sleepwalk the US and Europe into fighting, and their young men dying, on their behalf. Nothing is more evil in the world than the Zionist ideology of death and destruction.

These people [Messianic Zionists] are unstoppable, except with drones, missiles, rockets, and eventually hand-to-hand, close quarters combats.


Hezbollah needs to start attacking the Israeli settlements of the West Bank directly. Those well-armed extremists need a thrashing to understand what it means to drag other countries to start wars on their behalf. If it does, it might ignite a Palestinian resistance flame that Israel could never successfully fight back as long as Hamas and Hezbollah are still defending themselves in the south and the north. A third front will create so many problems for Israel, which might finally defeat its expansionist mindset.

It will take a few settlements burning to spark that fresh insurgency against Israel by the Palestinians of the West Bank. Imagine the exodus of some 750,000 settlers from the West Bank to go live in tents in Israel. The psychological impact on Israel will be ever lasting.

But if this is what it takes to teach the messianic ultra-conservative Zionists behind the war in Gaza and soon in Lebanon a lesson, then Hezbollah would be serving humanity. These people are unstoppable, except with drones, missiles, rockets, and eventually hand-to-hand, close quarters combats.

The Israeli Messianic Ultra-Right Needs a Thrashing

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