The Israeli War Criminals Are Deeply Frustrated

The Israeli War Criminals Are Deeply Frustrated
Israel has deliberately targeted the children of Gaza. The Israeli War Criminals Are Deeply Frustrated

Joe Biden announced that if Israel invaded Rafah, he would stop the shipments of weapons needed for a ground invasion, such as tank shells. In response, the Israel Defense Forces, the world should really call the Israeli Occupation Forces, expressed their frustration with Biden’s decision. One that came 6 months too late. The first signs Biden realized Israel was carpet bombing civilians, he should have immediately halted U.S. complicity in committing genocide. So now, we come to learn that the Israeli war criminals are deeply frustrated they can no longer kill, with total impunity, the innocent women and children of Gaza.

Cry me a river over their frustration. They should all rot in jail for what they have done to the Palestinian people. Instead, the U.S. media treats them as legitimate politicians, statesmen, and military officers.

Joe Biden should have from the start imposed conditions on the use of American weapons. Why? Because he knew he was dealing with an Israeli government that was too extremist to accord it any trust or confidence in its ability to respect international and human rights laws.

Supporting Israel and supporting genocide are two completely different things, Mr. President.

To many in Congress, the Palestinians are just tools of convenience, not human beings.


Now that Joe Biden has drawn a red line, be assured that Benjamin Netanyahu has already reached out to AIPAC to descend on Congress like a locust to devour their souls. As if those non-Representatives have any dignities left to honor their patriotism when they allow an entity working for a foreign country to control them. Often, against U.S. interests.

Only a few hours will pass between Joe Biden’s announcement before a bi-partisan coalition of traitors start denouncing any attempt to halt sending weapons to Israel. Even though they know Netanyahu is using these weapons to murder as many Palestinian civilians as he can, these traitors might as well send the Israeli government some gas chambers too.

Watch the news for a violent political response, which we believe the GOP could certainly spark. All to get their dirty hands in AIPAC’s deep pockets with a $2 billion war chest to buy our politicians with. And now that the stampede is on, they will, in the next 24 hours, rush that war chest as if their hair was on fire.

Those bastards would re-introduce open slavery if they could.

These legislators who ran for office just to enrich themselves have sold their souls to the devil. They are going to attack the administration on all fronts, and on all cylinders. What might happen next, you ask? Biden could very well falter and succumb to the AIPAC pressure. Especially if in the meantime data showed that Arab Americans are still not going to vote for him.

It’s all about money and power. The lives of the Palestinians exist to facilitate the transfer of money and the increase of power for white America. To many in Congress, the Palestinians are just tools of convenience, not human beings.

The Israeli War Criminals Are Deeply Frustrated

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