The Lies Some Zionist Organizations Are Spreading

The Lies Some Zionist Organizations Are Spreading
The Lies Some Zionist Organizations Are Spreading

It’s hilarious. Much of the mainstream media is claiming that the student protests are antisemitic, while evidence on the ground showing Jews, Muslims, and Christians protesting equally and side-by-side are peaceful and non-threatening. The lies some Zionist organizations are spreading of antisemitism on campus is in line with past lies about anything and everything it has to do with Gaza. Unless protesting Israel’s crimes against humanity and its genocide in Gaza is antisemitic, which we suspect entities like ADL and AIPAC want to spread.

And the more they use mundane and inexcusable reasons to label someone as antisemitic, the less the word becomes relevant. Eventually, even the media is going to ignore its use.

From non-existent beheaded 40 babies, to Israeli babies hanging on clothe lines, to rapes that never happened, the world is starting to understand the vileness of Zionism and its violent and unjust nature. Anything to gain advantage. Even lies that they know will not stick in the future.

It makes one wonder, should we also suspect that the Holocaust victims were not even near six million Jews. If they lied about 40 beheaded babies, what gives us assurances they did not also lie about Germany killing six million of them.

Considering the Zionists continue to lie, it’s their credibility in question here.

Many American Jews do not care for Israel because they are patriotic Americans


Here is a testimony by a Jewish Yale professor, Jason Stanley, that Mehdi Hasan’s Zeteo invited to confirm the nature of the protests at the campus of the Yale University. It’s a must-see video because it indirectly demonstrates how the Zionist organizations are influencing the media to lie.

But it is not only the Zionist organizations, it’s also the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu. He called these student protests antisemitic, to which Senator Bernie Sanders responded to him with a powerful video below:

And here is another article surprisingly CNN published on a Saturday when all the hard line conservative Zionists do not use the Internet on Sabbath, titled, “I’m a Jewish student at Yale. Here’s what everyone is getting wrong about the protests.

The author of that article, Ian Berlin, writes:

The students were protesting under the Occupy Beinecke coalition, which includes Yale Jews for Ceasefire, a group of Jewish students dedicated to fighting for a ceasefire in Gaza as well as sustainable peace and equality within the regionCNN By Ian Berlin - April 27, 2024

There is a lot of misinformation emanating from Zionist organizations in their attempt to claim that the demonstrations are antisemitic and to affirm that all Jews are Zionists, when it is utterly not true.

Many American Jews do not care for Israel because they are patriotic Americans, and most Jews want to see peace between Jews and Muslims coexisting in harmony.

Just as the way it was before Israel planted its Zionist cult of death in the Middle East.

The Lies Some Zionist Organizations Are Spreading

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