The Most Elegant Two-State Solution

The Most Elegant Two-State Solution
The Most Elegant Two-State Solution

We have an idea that many people around the world might actually believe it could sideline all the challenges of the Middle East. The idea is the most elegant two-state solution ever, and it centers around Germany welcoming all the Zionists of Israel to occupy all of Bavaria to repent for all its World War II sins. Since Germany is so keen on calling Israel’s war against the women and children of Gaza as non-genocidal, why not slice the Bavaria region, nestled between Germany and Austria, to give it to the bloodthirsty Zionists of Israel?

Today’s Israel size is 21k sq/km, and Bavaria is almost four times larger at 70k sq/km. That should satisfy the likes of Itamar Ben-Gvir and Danielle Weiss, another nutcase, who want to settle the Zionists from the Euphrates in Iraq to the Nile in Egypt. We believe Bavaria should be big enough for both their insanity.

And if the Jews of Israel reject the idea because they would be unable to practice their religion at Solomon’s Temple and the Wailing Wall, we are certain the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would be more than deliriously happy to move the structures to Bavaria. That way, the Zionists can keep their faith intact, and the U.S. would never, ever again fight Israel’s wars.

Especially the one Israel is instigating against Iran.

Germany was one of the source cause of all the Middle East turmoil, with Britain taking the lion’s share, so let Germany take all the Zionists to build them a homeland on its soil. Think of it as a reverse merger of East Germany.


If it was not for Adolph Hitler, and his Holocaust, Israel might not have existed today. Yes, Herzl had a dream, but so did Martin Luther King of an America free from racism. That dream got him killed, and the Ku Klux Klan, which donned their robes for police officer uniforms, still practice the rituals of a century-old era while replacing the ropes with guns.

MLK is proof that dreams do not always come true.

Since Chancellor Olaf Scholz believes Israel is not committing genocide, and since his country committed the Holocaust against the Jews of Europe, it’s only befitting that Germany carves out the lands necessary to welcome the Zionists in its midst. After all, the Yiddish language is half-baked in German, the transition would be a breeze for many Zionist Israelis.

Germany may have to move the BMW factories elsewhere, but that is really an opportunity in disguise. The Germans would rebuild them, state of the art, to compete even better on the world stage.

So, if Germany and the German people believe Israel is not committing genocide, maybe they should get a taste of Israeli terror to actually make a final and conclusive determination based on facts on their own soil, not those of the Palestinians.

Germany was one of the source cause of all the Middle East turmoil, with Britain taking the lion’s share, so let Germany take all the Zionists to build them a homeland on its soil.

Think of it as a reverse merger of East Germany.

The Most Elegant Two-State Solution

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