The Thick Skulls of Racism in Alabama

The Thick Skulls of Racism in Alabama
The Thick Skulls of Racism in Alabama

The Republican legislatures in Alabama do not seem to realize they could no longer run the State in 2023 as if it was 1963. A manifestation of the thick skulls of racism in Alabama was on display when a Federal Court blocked its efforts to deny black voters the right to select their own representatives based on the populace numbers representing the black voters. For the second time, mind you, after the Supreme Court, back in June, ordered the Alabama Republican legislators to draw two black districts out of seven in compliance with their representation standing at 26.46% of the population.

The GOP offered them one district, which provides the same rights as 14% of the population, not over 26%. In short, the racist Alabama legislature is sending SCOTUS this case in the hope the court guts the Voting Rights Act, the same way Mississippi gutted Roe vs. Wade. The extremist Evangelical religious zealots trying to impose their will on the rest of America, the way ISIS imposed its will on the Muslims in the Levant.

So far, though, it’s not working. The Supreme Court seems unwilling to treat the Voting Rights Act the way it treated Roe vs. Wade.

Anyone who says racism does not exist in America is a full-blown, certifiable racist.


We call what the GOP legislators are attempting to do in Alabama “Organized Racism”. It’s out in the open, unapologetic and unrelenting. Even though SCOTUS denied the legislators’ first attempt, they ignored the ruling and tried, in a twisted way, to see if their second attempt, adorned with minor changes, might fly. So far, the courts are not biting because of how brazenly illegal the legislators’ second is as compared to their first.

There are some thick white nationalist skulls in Alabama that reminds us of apartheid system in South Africa. It comes from the same vein of white supremacists groomed in the Anglo-Saxon medievalism, which also created the apartheid. Traditional or not, America will never rest easy politically as long as those racist people are denied the luxury of power to harm their fellow men. It’s that simple, really. It’s either them or the long-term prosperity of this country.

In Alabama, one can imagine that legislators do not go to sleep before concocting some schemes to take away the rights of black people. And when they wake up, it’s the same cycle all over again. Why? For no reason other than hating a race that scares them because they are capable to compete vigorously in an even-level field. Some in Alabama want the black people energizing the economy, but they do not want them energizing their own power to improve their lives.

Anyone who says racism does not exist in America is a full-blown, certifiable racist.

The Thick Skulls of Racism in Alabama

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