The Tree Counters in the Biden Forest

The Tree Counters in the Biden Forest

Noah Rothman wrote an opinion for MSNBC in which he provides advice to President Biden of how to get out of his political decline by throwing the Progressives to the wolves. Rothman forgot how Biden’s policies over the last year have impacted positively child poverty, or helped the middle class regain its footing after a 40-year corporate onslaught in the form of laws to decimate the American Dream. Ask the 45 million students holding $1.8 Trillion in student debt. Or the families filing for bankruptcies because of excessive healthcare costs that generate immense profits for the very few. Or the opioid crisis lawless capitalism was behind. The tree counters in the Biden forest want us to believe it’s about the future of a single President, not a whole country.

They forgot their own country. They forgot the sufferings of half its population that do not own any company stocks.

Why do students at McGill University in Canada pay C$2,725.20 [$2,177.25] for one full year of undergraduate degree, and Americans pay over $60,000 at a similar quality university?


As I said on so many occasions. capitalism is great, but lawless capitalism, a period we are in its midst, is destroying slowly the very fabric of the American experiment. In their short-term prism, Rothman’s political views are correct. The problem is that the country’s troubles transcend the legacy of one U.S. President. We are beyond looking at one election cycle for course correction.

We need to look at what is wrong with America politically, economically, and socially, which is forcing many of us to admonish the short-term narrow political views of those who see the future two years at a time.

In fact, many of us think President Biden is not doing enough.

Why did 66,000 students have to suffer from Navient’s lawless capitalism? Why do students at McGill University in Canada pay C$2,725.20 [$2,177.25] for one full year of undergraduate college degree, and Americans pay over $60,000 at a similar quality university? Furthermore, why do families have to pay so much for inhalers in the US when they cost so little overseas?

Better yet, read Erich Vieth story in which he tells us he paid $2.85 for his inhaler in Spain, while some American families, without insurance, pay $300 for the same product. $80 if they have insurance.

Think about it. $2.85 versus $300. We are no longer a normal society, something Biden is trying to fix.

Moreover, let us hope that he [Biden] can pass the legislation needed to fix a broken system of boundless greed.


These are societal structural problems that will, eventually, lead to our own demise. President Biden is trying to push the needle in the opposite direction. If that means he loses re-election in 2024, or loses the House in 2022, blame the message and not the policies.

The policies are correcting 40 years of runaway lawless capitalism fueled by immense greed. If Rothman and others believe abetting child poverty is unpopular, so was Roosevelt’s New Deal many Republicans today are faking numbers to make it look worthless.

The truth of the matter is that America needs a bold President who shelves his popularity polling numbers in favor of fixing the country’s woes. Who is better to do that than a 78-year old President knowing well he is destined for greatness just because he cared about his country first, and not his re-election campaign.

Let us hope Joe Biden is that President. Let us hope he cares about the health of this nation more than he cares about a second term. Moreover, let us hope that he can pass the legislation needed to fix a broken system of boundless greed.

My defense of Biden is limited to the progressive policies he is trying to implement. On issues such as student debt and the Ukraine, the man is a loose cannon and cannot be trusted to do the right thing. Just as he did when he was the enforcer behind the Crime Bill of 1994, which landed many black men in prison for minor offenses.

The Tree Counters in the Biden Forest

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