It’s been the hallmark of U.S. foreign policy that during a war with any Arab country when Israel finds itself in a tight spot, the US interferes to stop Israeli losses. It happened during the Yom Kippur war of 1973 when Henry Kissinger interfered to separate the two Arab countries from almost annihilating Israel, and it is happening again today as Biden engineers a ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel.
The Israeli losses are mounting. Both in personnel and equipment, most of which the Israeli government keeps secret from the world. No one for sure knows the extent of these losses, except for one little giveaway in the form of the U.S. negotiating a ceasefire between the two enemies to stop Israeli bleeding on the battlefields of southern Lebanon.
Do note that during the stretch of two days, this week, Israel lost 6 Merkava armored tanks to the lethal Kornet anti-tank missiles, which Hezbollah has been stockpiling since its last war with Israel. If each Merkava tank requires 3 Israeli soldiers to operate it, then one can assume that Israel also suffered the death and injuries of up to 18 Israeli tank operators. Just in 2 days. Open any Israeli newspaper, or online news website, and you will find no indication such losses actually happened. The Israeli occupation forces censor that information very well.
How else can Biden launder more of our tax dollars back to the Democrats in Congress through the influence of AIPAC and its Zionist donor class?
In addition to losses on the ground, experts believe that Hezbollah’s rockets, over a one-year period, have taken a heavy toll on northern Israeli settlements, as well as military bases. Although the overrated Iron Dome was able to protect, it is not capable of stopping around 30% of rockets, missiles, and drones fired by Hezbollah.
Which brings us to this fact: If Hezbollah fired 100 missiles and drones a day for over a year, this means thousands have landed on their targets.
In other words, Israel needs the truce with Hezbollah to repair the damage it has sustained, which is why the US is interfering to stop Israeli losses. Between resting its weary and suicidal troops, restocking its depleted bombs the United States cannot manufacture fast enough for Israel’s needs, and halting the potent Hezbollah attacks on its military infrastructure, Israel had no choice but to capitulate. With U.S. help to save Netanyahu from himself.
The next 60 days of truce might bring an extended peace, or might, as Biden disastrous White House tenure comes to an end, compel Israel to start another war. How else can Biden launder more of our tax dollars back to the Democrats in Congress through the influence of AIPAC and its Zionist donor class?
Meanwhile, more of our tax dollars are heading to Israel again, as if our country has no problems of its own to solve. Biden just authorized another $640,000,000 to Israel for weapons to kill Palestinian civilians with. That’s Biden’s legacy as a President, which can be summarized in two simple words: Genocide Joe.