The US is Dealing With Animals in Israel

The US is Dealing With Animals in Israel
The US is Dealing With Animals in Israel

The Biden Administration keeps forgetting one main point in its dealings with the Netanyahu government. The US is dealing with animals in Israel, who are blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza in order to starve children to death. It goes to show that Israel is no longer a country, but rather a large criminal enterprise run by barbaric animals.

To show his anger, Jake Sullivan, the National Security Adviser, said of the Israeli settlers blocking and burning the food:

It is a total outrage that there are people who are attacking and looting these convoys coming from Jordan, going to Gaza to deliver humanitarian assistance. We are looking at the tools that we have to respond to this. We are also raising our concerns at the highest level of the Israeli government, and it’s something that we make no bones about – this is completely and utterly unacceptable behavior.The Guardian - May 13, 2024
Jake Sullivan is showing some balls because Biden does not have any.


If the Israeli thugs and criminals stealing Palestinian lands can humiliate the United States to that level, it is because Joe Biden has allowed himself to become Israel’s doormat. No amount of pressure he has leveled against Benjamin Netanyahu has yielded any positive results for the United States or its interests because Israel is a terrorist colonialist nation who was built by stealing Palestinian lands and property.

Biden does not have the balls to say “no” to Israel. And when he does, it comes out as a whimper while apologizing for taking a stand. Jake Sullivan is showing some balls because Biden does not have any.

So, Joe Biden, go ahead and give Israel all it wants to kill women and children at will. You are nothing but a puppet in the hands of the American Zionist billionaires, who are more loyal to Israel than the United States, and who happen to also be running our country.

Mind you, it was the Democrats who claimed that Russia interfered in our elections, when, under their weak rule, Israel is showing the whole world who really owns America.

Way to go, Joe Biden. You wimp.

The US is Dealing With Animals in Israel

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