The War on Gaza Is Now an International War

The War on Gaza Is Now an International War
The War on Gaza Is Now an International War

While Israel keeps bombing hospitals and schools, thus causing thousands of children to perish and sustain life-changing injuries, the Houthis in Yemen are not sitting still. Their control of the Red Sea trade has damaged the Israeli economy to the point that the U.S., once again, is coming to the rescue. The war on Gaza is now an international war, as Denmark joins the US in forming a maritime force to open the Red Sea shipping lanes again.

Something you don’t see the U.S. media mention in any form to help Israel kill more innocent civilians, and to help exonerate Biden from his idiocy. The war is expanding, and Biden is still intent on arming the violent Zionists in Israel.

America is putting our own armed forces at risk just to help some terrorist Zionists and their evil plan to force-migrate the Palestinians to other Arab nations.

We have an idea for President Joe Biden. Since two peoples are disputing who owns what land in Palestine, how about, if the U.S. cares enough about Israel, move all the Jews of Israel to Iwo Jima? No one populates the island, and it would be a beautiful paradise, all the Zionists could enjoy without killing any more children.

How about it, Biden?

As the Zionists planned the Iraq War on the basis of fake WMD, which killed thousands of our brave soldiers, the Zionists today are intent on killing more Americans.


Otherwise, who knows who might join that war other than Yemen.

The impact of trade cannot be underestimated, as shipping traffic through the Red Sea is also the same traffic that crosses the Suez Canal. The Houthis began by only attacking ships going to Israel, but since the U.S. and Europe are not putting an end to the savagery of Israel, the Houthis are now attacking any ship crossing.

It is safe to say that the Yemeni attacks, and the U.S. response in assembling a maritime force of international countries to protect the ships, is now an international war. Israeli violence against civilians has already started a brutal war that may cost the U.S. much more than what it bargained for. Under the presidency of Biden, all bets are off whether he is fit to end such a conflict as Biden continues to deliver lethal weapons to Israel at a feverish rate, knowing well their use is illegal under international law. And knowing it is against U.S. interests.

Biden’s senility is showing clearly. His intent on facilitating the mass murder of civilians is harming U.S. interests overseas. You know who, among the Arab nations, joined the maritime task force? Only Bahrain. All the other Gulf countries declined, knowing their people would revolt.

So what’s new. As the Zionists planned the Iraq War on the basis of fake WMD, which killed thousands of our brave soldiers, the Zionists today are intent on killing more Americans. For what but to protect their apartheid system of illegal occupation in Gaza and the West Bank.

Meanwhile, Biden is still napping.

The War on Gaza Is Now an International War

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