The Zionist Holly Grail of Benjamin Netanyahu

The Zionist Holly Grail of Benjamin Netanyahu
The Zionist Holly Grail of Benjamin Netanyahu

There is ample evidence, almost nine months into one of the most one-sided destructive wars the Middle East has ever experienced, that its architect, Benjamin Netanyahu, is looking for his Zionist Holly Grail. One that would rise from the ashes of the dead in Gaza into a new ethnic cleansing Nakba to magically force 2.3 million Palestinians to disappear. This is the only way Netanyahu knows how to save his disastrous legacy, by leaving behind a history of blood, which would eventually yield Israel a Gaza free from all Palestinians.

That is Netanyahu’s ultimate goal in Gaza, which might explain why he keeps moving the goalposts on the release of both Israeli hostages Hamas holds in Gaza, and the more than 9,000 Palestinian hostages Israel is torturing in its prisons.

For Netanyahu, all Israelis might forgive him, if years from now, committed Zionist Israeli historians would hail him as the man who stole all of Gaza for the greater Israel in one decisive and destructive war.

For those who think the mass murder of up to 186,000 Palestinians was too much, wait for awaits the other 2.1 millions Palestinians dying a slow death from bombs, diseases, and starvation.

In brief, Netanyahu intends to kill them all.

Nonetheless, trust us when we tell you that if Netanyahu could get away with it, he would nuke Gaza tomorrow.


It is not an easy task to kill 2.3 million people. But one way of doing it is to make their living space uninhabitable and conduct a slow war that would eventually, through direct killing, or diseases, or starvation, kill all the Palestinians.

We are even surprised Netanyahu has not used chemical agents to accelerate the process. One would imagine that even his own peers, barring the tow barbaric animals Smotrich and Ben-Gvir, would object to such tactics. Not to speak of the United States who, we believe, would not allow Israel to conduct any mass chemical killings.

Nonetheless, trust us when we tell you that if Netanyahu could get away with it, he would nuke Gaza tomorrow. Instead, he has no choice but to resort to a much slower pace of mass murdering 2.3 million Palestinians.

This war criminal is the devil incarnate with no equal. Not even Adolf Hitler that the western world demonizes ad infinitum, in our opinion.

Mind you, history has amply showed the world that bad Jews always end up paying a steep price for their deeds. They call it persecution, while others call it justice.


Netanyahu does not want the Israeli hostages released because it forces his hand to respect a ceasefire that is contrary to his Zionist Holly Grail goal. As far as he is concerned, the lives of 100 Israeli hostages is a little price to pay if the big prize was the annexation of Gaza. At least, with no Palestinians inhabiting it, or very few to use as slave labor for the new settlers.

Netanyahu knows that the world would, sooner or later, tire of talking Gaza, and that the Palestinians’ only hope is the United Nations screaming from the roofs not to forget Netanyahu’s genocide of Gaza.

While all this happening, it finally dawned on the Biden Administration of what Netanyahu is up to. His ruse did register, but a bit too late for Biden to act and save his presidency. After all, all the hardcore Zionist billionaires, through AIPAC, are onboard with the second Nakba for Gaza, which might take years to develop.

Mind you, history has amply showed the world that bad Jews always end up paying a steep price for their deeds. They call it persecution, while others call it justice. Sooner or later, the same bad Jews, now hiding behind Israel, are going to pay a dear price for Gaza.

Their victims will eventually reach them, and no borders will stop them.

The United States can not remain an empire forever, and its fall will also cause the fall of Zionism along with Israel.

The Zionist Holly Grail of Benjamin Netanyahu

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