The Zionists Have Hijacked America

The Zionists Have Hijacked America
The Zionists Have Hijacked America

For those who have been watching the genocide in Gaza unfold and continues to take the innocent lives of Palestinian women and children, are asking how the Zionists have hijacked America. For most Americans, it has been very hard to accept that humans are capable of such violence, and we seem to have abandoned our humanity by the side of the road sometime between World War II and 2024. Exactly since the founding of Israel.

Most of the violence that Israel is perpetrating against defenseless civilians – an F-35 was not developed to drop bombs on tents full of civilians hiding – is due to the influence of organizations like AIPAC and ADL. Both of which have supported an open killing season against the civilian Palestinians and their starvation.

Because of Israel, America is dripping with the blood of the innocent.

How did the Zionists kidnap our beautiful country for their narrow interests and in support of a genocide in Gaza?


The question most Americans are asking themselves, when they watch the carnage in Gaza, is how the Zionists in America have been able to influence our policies to cause such death and destruction. How can the all-powerful U.S. President become so impotent in the face of Zionist influence and control.

Further, another question they are asking is how our beautiful country fell in the hands of such violent actors. How did the Zionists in America have been able to hijack our beautiful nation to commit such evil deeds?

Did it start with the Supreme Court allowing dark money to buy policies, voices, and causes? Or did it start with our political system, set up to require large sums of cash to allow the very few to literally buy our elections and our country?

Not only the Zionists have started the Gaza Genocide and called it the right to defend themselves in order to perpetuate the apartheid system they constructed, but they were also behind the spilling of the blood in Iraq. Remember the killing of some 4,000 of our brave armed forces in pursuit of a non-existent WMD? The same people that dragged us into Iraq yesterday are today influencing the U.S. government to spill more blood in our name. How could we let that happen again?

How did the Zionists kidnap our beautiful country for their narrow interests and in support of a genocide in Gaza?

Stop the genocide in Gaza, and stop the Zionists from their chokehold on our country. They are the source of everything evil in the world today.


We all must stop and ask ourselves these very important questions. If we do not today, then it won’t be long before we send Israel weapons to bomb every Arab neighbor once their settlers, multiplying at three times the rate of a normal birth nation, require more lands to occupy.

It will not be long before Israel drops American bombs on every Arab nation in the service of the Zionists who have hijacked our beautiful country. Mind you, the costs for such wars will be paid forward when the countries America helped bomb tens of thousands of miles away from its borders pay us back with the same currency.

A permanent superpower, we are not.

Stop the genocide in Gaza, and stop the Zionists from their chokehold on our country. They are the source of everything evil in the world today.

The Zionists Have Hijacked America

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