There Are Two Kinds of American Citizens

There Are Two Kinds of American Citizens
There Are Two Kinds of American Citizens

Upon the deliberate murder of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi at the hands of the Israeli Occupation Forces in the West Bank, it took Joe Biden and Kamala Harris almost a week to condemn the murder, which Biden called “accidental”.  This is not an accident because ever since the European settlers colonized North America, there has always been two kinds of American citizens. The Christian American who eventually ended up being a slave to the Jewish American (it took the Zionists about 50 years to control the United States), and then there are the rest of the American citizens who emigrated later and whose race, nativity, and religion are not based on the European race.

In the event that a Muslim American citizen dies at the hands of violent Israelis, you might as well consider them having the same value as that of a sac of flour. Maybe, even less, in the eyes of the American elites, like the racist Joe Biden, who controls, on the behalf of the Zionists, our country’s political system.

Remember when Joe Biden said, “If you harm an American, we will respond”. What he intentionally left out of his sentence are the words, “as long as they are not Muslims”. If you think Donald Trump is a racist, think again. Joe Biden trumps him by a mile and then some.

Biden, one of the architects of the crime bill of 1994, only caters to the black community today for their votes, not their contributions, commitments, or competence.

To fix this beautiful nation of ours, we truly need our own Bastille in America, where the guillotine severs the necks of all those who are corrupting and buying our political system.


How many black men Kamala Harris locked up, as a prosecutor, and kept them in jail beyond their terms? If every African American does not ask this question by ignoring all the mainstream media black pundits enriching themselves to toe the DNC line in support of Harris, then you are perpetuating the systemic racism you are fighting every day.

If voters elect Kamala Harris, she will lock black Americans at the same rate of her sinister past, and she will send even more weapons to Israel to kill even more women and children. She is a merciless political mercenary, marching more to the tune of racists white America and the billionaire Zionists who control the U.S. than any other candidate. How do you think she got to be the nominee without anyone voting for her nomination? Just like the coronation of a beastly queen that cannot wait to see lives lost and blood spilled.

Folks, in America, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris matters little, there are two kinds of Americans. Those who get away with murder, and those who get murdered with impunity.

To fix this beautiful nation of ours, we truly need our own Bastille in America, where the guillotine severs the necks of all those who are corrupting and buying our political system.

There Are Two Kinds of American Citizens

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