Time for Iran to Teach Netanyahu a Hard Lesson

Time for Iran to Teach Netanyahu a Hard Lesson
Time for Iran to Teach Netanyahu a Hard Lesson

We never thought, for one moment, that we would write one day an article about Iran and Israel in which we believed it was time for Iran to teach Israel and Netanyahu a hard lesson. Only when Iran severely damages Israel’s military installations, can the world hope such defeat would put an end to Netanyahu’s madness from destroying the region.

Just as Netanyahu believed wrongly that dropping 85,000 tons of bombs on Gaza would force Hamas to surrender, we believe the opposite is true. Dropping a few thousand tons on Israel would force the international community to end the Netanyahu regime, one way or the other, to save Israel from an embarrassing defeat.

Benjamin Netanyahu is not a man of peace, nor is he a man who should be trusted in determining the fate of millions of Jews and Arabs. Eventually, if he continues attacking the West Bank, something is going to give. Maybe the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan, or maybe an attack on Israel that would force it down to its knees. But if Netanyahu thinks he can also destroy the West Bank like he destroyed Gaza, watch what might happen next.

Stop Netanyahu before Iran teaches Israel a lesson from which Israel can never recover from.


While the United States and Israel flex their muscles in the region, behind the scenes, Iran and the axis of resistance are preparing for a gargantuan war that would determine the fate of Israel. If anyone believes Iran is content in just having hypersonic missiles, or effective drones that have already penetrated successfully Israeli skies unimpeded, they are out of their minds.

That is the part Israelis do not understand, nor can they wrap their head around the idea that there is a limit to U.S. involvement in wars defending a country that is terrorizing the people of the region. Remember Vietnam? Or, Iraq? Or, Afghanistan? In all cases, we had to abandon our military campaigns against a determined foe, or face defeat.

We all watched how Hezbollah was able to strike targets inside Israel with short-range drones, or how the U.S. fleet just abandoned all attempts at destroying Yemen’s capacity to halt all maritime traffic going to Israel. These are, by any military measure, defeats of the U.S. and Israel’s supremacy. Having said that, we still do not know for sure the damage Iran can cause Israel with its wide range of deadly missiles. What are we saying here? We are saying that the U.S. and the EU better stop Netanyahu before they regret their apathy.

Stop Netanyahu before Iran teaches Israel a lesson from which Israel can never recover from.

The time has come to expand the war against Israel in order to stop Netanyahu from destroying the West Bank like he destroyed Gaza.


Unfortunately, as we said in a previous article, the world lacks real leaders today to take the brave decision to put Netanyahu in his place. Joe Biden is a weakling who is weighing how much money can he raise from the billionaire Zionists against the damage Netanyahu is causing U.S. interests in the Middle East.

Joe Biden has no vision, no common sense, and is certainly unfit to be a president. This is why the Zionists love him. The perfect Play-Doh.

The time has come to expand the war against Israel in order to stop Netanyahu from destroying the West Bank like he destroyed Gaza.

Time for Iran to Teach Netanyahu a Hard Lesson

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