To Stem the Tide of Antisemitism

To Stem the Tide of Antisemitism
To Stem the Tide of Antisemitism

The fact that the President of the United States has to publicly condemn the rise of antisemitism in this country says a lot about the Trump era of hate and bigotry now in full swing impacting not only the black people but also American Jews. How to stem the tide of antisemitism before it reaches levels that would endanger the lives of innocent Americans is by uniting with the all other minority groups the White Supremacists hate in this country to form powerful coalitions that could respond using the law as its shield.

In other words, unite to write new laws to stem the tide of antisemitism and racism with strong grass root backing to send a strong message to the MAGA miscreants fomenting and instigating hate as they see their cult leader engage openly with known Nazi sympathizers. Let them know that freedom of speech is not freedom to hate, and our laws should define that distinction with precision and determination to hold hatred in this country accountable and truly punishable.

It is the only way we can truly bury the Nazi ideology in this country for good. An ideology, which saw its roots grow during the slave trade and which remains a threat to every law-abiding citizen on the basis of race and religion.

Dehumanizing collectively whole communities provide hatred with the fuel to blanket any race or religious beliefs.


Dehumanizing collectively whole communities provide hatred with the fuel to blanket any race or religious beliefs. Take, for example, the dehumanizing process the blacks and African-Americans experienced in the early days of Hollywood, which cemented the image of blacks as savages who pilfer, rape, rob, and kill.

Or the drawings of Jewish caricatures to diminish the value of Jews as human beings.

The process is methodical, intentional, and factors in a course to marginalize people en masse.

Donald Trump has taken those actions to new levels by first calling for law and order as a mean to punish innocent black men followed with meetings with known Nazis to stir up more hatred and more antisemitism. It would not surprise us if one of his followers decide to take matters in their own hands.

Just like the White Supremacist shooter who massacred black shoppers in Buffalo, NY in May of this year. He was following the commands of hate the MAGA bastards propagated online.

We must create a set of constitutional laws to throw people in jail when they express deep and emotional hatred that could lead to the same effect as a stampede when falsely shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater.


In this country, even though some claim is not racist, there are more haters than actual targets of hate. Calling attention to antisemitism is not enough because Trump and his followers, always on the offensive, will remain one step ahead. The first step is theirs to take and all action to counter it is defensive by nature.

This leaves us no option but to surgically craft laws whose intent is to remove hate like a scalpel removes a tumor. Without impacting our rights under the First Amendment.

Furthermore, it is not enough to accuse someone of hate crimes after the fact. It’s too late. Such should start with dissemination of hate online or publicly. The trick is to carve the protections afforded by our freedom of speech from the propagation of antisemitism.

Just as Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. mentioned, during the deliberation of Schenck v. United States in 1919, that shouting “Fire!” in a theater when such is a lie is not protected under the First Amendment, we must find our own “Fire in a theater” snapshot to disconnect freedom of speech from antisemitism and verbal hate.

Calling attention when the President addresses Americans on Hanukah is not enough. It is a defensive posture dialing time backwards.

We must create a set of constitutional laws to throw people in jail when they express deep and emotional hatred that could lead to the same effect as a stampede when falsely shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Otherwise, given the history of America with some groups, we would be playing a losing catch-up game on a permanent basis.

To Stem the Tide of Antisemitism

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