US is Desperate for a Ceasefire in Gaza

US is Desperate for a Ceasefire in Gaza
US is Desperate for a Ceasefire in Gaza

Joe Biden is standing on a cliff and hoping that Hamas throw him a parachute before he falls. The US is desperate for a ceasefire in Gaza because it is losing control domestically, with the student protests, and internationally, with the ICC possibly issuing an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu. Nothing is going the United States’ way. Even our Arab allies in the Middle East have had enough of Biden’s incompetence and Blinken’s split loyalties.

This explains why Antony Blinken is over selling the latest Israeli offer to Hamas, which is so offensive, it is hard to ignore. Blinken wants Hamas to accept a defeat, even though all signs show that it was Biden who has been defeated by unrest at home, and much turmoil abroad.

The Gaza War is burning inside the Oval Office because it has taken its toll on the internal US politics, as well as our allies and foes alike. The palpitating sounds of Biden’s agony are unmistakably of his own making. He is desperate for a ceasefire in the hope the student protests evaporate, and never return.

Netanyahu can only delay so much, and so often, before his government falls.


The same is true with regard to Netanyahu’s standing domestically and internationally. Damn if he strikes a deal with Hamas, and damn if he does not. Either way, all Netanyahu’s energy is pivoting around staying as prime minister as log as he can.

The pressure is mounting on Netanyahu to accept the latest Hamas offer for a ceasefire. His thuggish allies, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, are mounting even more pressure by threatening to exit his coalition should he accept a ceasefire before destroying Rafah. This southern tip of Gaza is home to 1.3m Palestinian refugees live under abhorrent conditions of utter famine and diseases.

Netanyahu’s only route is to delay and delay until he can delay no more.

Meanwhile, even though the United States seems to be protecting Netanyahu from an ICC arrest warrant for committing crimes against humanity, the reality is that Biden is using the ICC as leverage. Biden wants the Gaza War to end. The student protests shook Biden to his core, and we are certain that he is in possession of data that would clearly show he would lose the elections in November if the protests continued.

Netanyahu can only delay so much, and so often, before his government falls.

Parallel to this grand saga of incompetence, one can also find hundreds of thousands of Israelis who want Netanyahu out of government. For corruption charges, for trying to dilute the powers of the Israeli Supreme Court, and for allowing Hamas to attack Israel while he was asleep at the helm. The man is as toxic as they come, and a war criminal to boot.

We hope he rots in hell.

US is Desperate for a Ceasefire in Gaza

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