We Need a Regional War to Stop Israeli Massacres

We Need a Regional War to Stop Israeli Massacres
We Need a Regional War to Stop Israeli Massacres

The people of the Middle East need a regional war in order to force Israel to stop its genocide to include massacres, ethnic cleansing, and starvation of Palestinians and Lebanese. Without a war, Israel will continue to destroy as it pleases and with total impunity. A wider regional war would force Iran, and possibly Russia, to enter the foray, which are the only two powers capable of exacting immense destruction on the violent state of Israel. One that led a maniacal madman, fully supported by a man who lost his mind, to cause such mayhem and death.

A regional war would also, eventually, force the United States into the corner by seeking a real ceasefire. Not those Joe Biden has called for, and which are as serious as a clown on a cruise ship.

Without a regional war, Israel would simply continue attacking and killing civilians to punish their resistance to its barbaric apartheid system.

Yet, the west, totally under the control of an international Jewish mafia, is paralyzed because of that poisonous influence.


After watching the horrors of Israel against the women and children of Gaza, it would be an absolute pleasure to watch Iranian missiles rain on Israel. By the thousands. Let us not hide our feelings here when it matters the most. For that to happen, we need a regional war today and now.

Nothing will stop Israeli violence like a regional war that the United States is working overtime to avoid, knowing well it would be the end of the Zionist project. And this is exactly why we require a regional war to erupt to stop all the wars Israel is waging on so many fronts, and against so many countries.

When the people in Israel advocate for the mass murder of babies, how can the world remain silent in the face of such atrocious behavior. Yet, the west, totally under the control of an international Jewish mafia, is paralyzed because of that poisonous influence.

In every western country, that international Jewish cabal has infiltrated the government, as it did in the U.S., and is running their foreign policies, which today favors an Israeli genocide. This is why the likes of Joe Biden and Keir Starmer have no choice but to take their marching orders from the cabal, which also happens to control their political contributions.

We have to rid our governments of the influence the Zionists have over the whole western civilization.


A Tweet on X, by Sam Parker, who ran for Senate from the State of Utah, summarized it best when he said:

The most important part of the tweet are these paragraphs:

Here’s what many of you don’t understand & what you’re missing: International Jewry is a “country” of its own, a “nation without borders” that predates the founding of Israel.

It was Organized International Jewry that *founded* Israel in the first place. Worldwide Jewry is a nation *without* borders — infiltrating, occupying & subverting their host nations *with* borders. And, like all nations, it has its own institutions. Israel is just one institution of the International Jewish Nation.

An extremely prominent & important one. Maybe the most significant one. But it’s just one segment of the slice. A rough analogy would be to say that Washington DC represents all of American government & its people. It doesn’t. But it’s a really, really essential & powerful.

However, there’s state level governments, local governments, non-government organizations, charities, churches, and finally just regular Americans — loyal to America — working to advance America. This is how worldwide Jewry must be understood. Jews are Jews first — loyal to each other and to worldwide Jewry. And just as most Americans support American institutions, so too most Jews support Israel. So don’t be fooled. It’s not Israel — it’s Jews.

Jewish history and involvement in world affairs didn’t start in 1948–or even 1897.

Do you understand now why we need a regional war, or even a WWIII? We have to rid our governments of the influence the Zionists have over the whole western civilization.

Therefore, we will let you reflect and sleep on that thought.

We Need a Regional War to Stop Israeli Massacres

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