What Does the Mossad Have on Joe Biden?

What Does the Mossad Have on Joe Biden
What Does the Mossad Have on Joe Biden?

After John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, told the U.S. press that the Rafah massacre did not cross Joe Biden’s red line, it is logical to ask what does the Mossad have on Joe Biden? Why this old political hack, with decades of experience in politics, jeopardize his chances in 2024 for the sake of Israel? That imaginary red line Biden drew in the sand was nothing but a mirage to appease his detractors and to give the impression that he was in control.

The reality seems to indicate that Joe Biden is not really in control of his own destiny. His actions indicate that someone else is pulling his strings when it comes to Israel, and since the Jeffery Epstein raison d’être came to light, how can one not assume that the Israeli Mossad has taken control of the White House.

Nothing seems to persuade Joe Biden to change course. Not any polling results showing him losing to Donald Trump, and certainly not for any speck of humanity in his hollow soul.

Joe Biden is a mechanical toy that the operators in Israel seem to have his key.

The Mossad in Israel is running our White House. All lock, stock, and barrel.


Let us not kid ourselves into believing that Joe Biden is capable of drawing any red lines at all when it comes to Israel. If the Rafah massacre of May 26 does not qualify, nothing will. Not now, and not in the future. The ruse is on us, the fools who believed Joe Biden was the U.S. President.

He is not our President. The Mossad in Israel is running our White House. All lock, stock, and barrel. If the Rafah massacre is not a red line, then Joe Biden is not in control. Period.

The Israeli National Security Advisor, Tzachi Hanegbi, just provided an estimate that Israel’s war on Gaza will last at least until the end of 2024. This is Netanyahu telling Joe Biden that the Mossad is aiming for Trump to be elected President because we are not stopping the war. Biden, ever so helpless, cannot but watch his elections chances evaporate like water under the sun.

And why would Joe Biden, the consummate politician, allow Israel to continue waging its war on Gaza when Americans are voting? Because there is nothing Joe Biden can do to stop his own train wreck. Whatever Netanyahu has on Joe Biden is enough to secure his defeat in favor of Donald Trump in 2024.

For sure, Donald Trump would draw no red lines, and alter the trajectory of U.S. commitment to Israel. Joe Biden dared, and Israel is telling him to get lost.

It is true that the real President of the United States is Benjamin Netanyahu. Joe Biden is just his tool.

What Does the Mossad Have on Joe Biden?

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