When It Comes to Policing, We are North Korea in North America

When It Comes to Policing We are North Korea in North America

There is no way to reform police brutality until society makes them pay for their violent actions. The problem is that Republicans refuse to pass any laws to de-immunize police through a process we labeled “qualified Immunity” without which any citizen that has been wronged by police has the right to file legal action. Today, unless a prosecutor brings charges against police officers, the public has no right to take police and their brutal behavior to court. The problem is when it comes to policing, we are North Korea in North America. Police brutality and their barbaric behavior have become the norm.

Yes, cities can investigate police action, but if the system is rigged, and as long as the people remain unwilling to protest en masse, city officials will not prosecute or even fire violent police officers. The cycle of violence continues by unfit police officers told it’s OK to kill and beat people because they are immune to legal action.

With “qualified immunity”, add police to the myriad of organizations or people who are above the law in America.

America can either be a civilized nation or a nation of barbarians channeling their violence through a brutal police force against the weak and the helpless.


Watch this video below shot on May 12, 2021 and tell me we don’t live in North Korea when it comes to policing in this country. Two vicious police officers beating a homeless man to a pulp for urinating in public. What is wrong with us? Our dogs urinate in public.

Ari Melber aired a whole segment about “qualified immunity” that everyone interested in the police brutality subject matter should watch. The 12-minutes segment explains away how “qualified immunity” is a made-up concept that has no roots in the Constitution or the law. The segment also shows some disturbing behavior by police officers that did not go viral.

Watch it and cry.

America can either be a civilized nation or a nation of barbarians channeling their violence through a brutal police force against the weak and the helpless. This is not rocket science. We cannot claim the high road of American Exceptionalism or preach other nations about the rule of law when our own house is a fragile glass structure made possible by “qualified immunity” of a raging police force unable and unwilling to act with civility towards the black people in this country.

Here is another gem of police conduct handcuffing a whole family in a parking lot while the child cries for her mother. Luckily it happened in Colorado, a State that did away with police immunity. I do hope this family finds justice against these racist officers.

“Bro, I point my gun out the window now at (N-words) and watch their reaction and drive away. Hilarious,”


Any Republican lawmaker who defends “qualified immunity” for police officers is a closet racist and a white supremacist buffoon. It’s the real litmus test that separates the racists in our country continuing their legacy of violence against the black people. By granting brutal police officers “qualified immunity”, they are perpetuating violence against black communities. It’s that simple.

Most violent police officers understand that their actions, in a friendly prosecutorial environment, go unpunished no matter how egregious their actions might be.

Kill an innocent black man? Absolutely.

Beat a poor helpless black man? We do it all the time man, where have you been? 

Handcuff little black children while they cry for their mothers also handcuffed next to them? Yup, we do that too. Quite enjoyable, as a matter of fact.

We might as well import North Korean police officers or Iranian Basijis. No one will notice the difference.

Here is a sample text message a police probe in New York picked off the phone of a police officer the NYPD was investigating. It demonstrates just how wild and unruly the police in the U.S. has become.

“Bro, I point my gun out the window now at (N-words) and watch their reaction and drive away. Hilarious,” NYPD Police Officer

This particular low-IQ moron points his gun at black motorists just to have his daily fun. He thought it was just hilarious. Where do they find these people?

And then some wonder why Black Lives Matter exists.

When It Comes to Policing, We are North Korea in North America

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