Who Said Netanyahu Is Going To Win His War On Gaza?

Who Said Netanyahu Is Going To Win His War On Gaza?
Who Said Netanyahu Is Going To Win His War On Gaza?

Fifteen IDF soldiers died in Gaza over the weekend, which is pretty high for a country that boasts of its capacity to protect the lives of its citizens. As the war drags on, entering its eighth weeks in three days, Israel is losing more of its soldiers fighting a determined enemy who has nothing to lose. One can almost answer the question of “who said Netanyahu is going to win the war on Gaza?” when one considers the United States, after 20 years and $4 trillion in treasure, left Afghanistan to the Taliban. Echoes of this past are beginning to ring in our ear drums in Gaza, too.

You see, Benjamin Netanyahu belongs to that school of thought who believes only extreme force and destruction can defeat an enemy. Even one that has been oppressed, humiliated, and subjugated to extreme conditions bordering on slavery under a horrible colonial occupation aimed at breaking its yearning for freedom. Even though, history books, western and eastern, are full of examples of tormentors always losing the battles to their oppressed when freedom is at play.

Nonetheless, Netanyahu thinks he can kill Hamas and the idea of Palestinian freedom, even though history has proven other far greater powers wrong.

Really, who said Netanyahu is going to win his war on Gaza? Not the IDF soldiers dying.

How does global hate of 15 million Jews not impact the future of Israelis in a sea of 8 billions is beyond comprehension.


What will convince the Israeli voters Netanyahu is wrong are two things. 1) Mounting IDF casualties, and 2) Hamas continues to fight back ferociously in spite of all of Netanyahu’s terror. A third tangible element represents the hate the global community is beginning to express openly, antisemitism or not, against Israel for its fire and brimstone mindset by taking the lives of innocent women and children on a wholesale basis.

Every day, more and more protests are flaring across the globe, from Europe, to Asia, to Africa, and of course the Middle East. Israel can count its friends among only a few Gulf Arab dictators and staunch U.S. allies. Billions of people, who are following the war on Gaza, hate Israel for oppressing the Palestinians, then killing them when they resist. Who does not connect with that basic underdog scenario of humanity?

How does global hate of 15 million Jews not impact the future of Israelis in a sea of 8 billion people is beyond comprehension. Count on Netanyahu, Biden, and all their partners in crime to believe they are above the law, and above reproach. Even when the alarm bells are going off across dozens and dozens of capitals around the world on six continents.

These European countries know that the Zionist Jews in Israel are dragging them to fight their wars to save their brutal ideology. Biden, meanwhile, is still napping.


That is the damaging legacy of Joe Biden, we believe him to be totally oblivious to the war on Gaza’s impact on the United States foreign policy. Signs are already showing when the maritime force Washington planned to protect against the Houthis attacks on the Red Sea collapsed in less than 48 hours after Italy, Spain, and France pulled out.

These European countries know that the Zionist Jews in Israel are dragging them to fight their wars to save their brutal ideology. Biden, meanwhile, is still napping.

The U.S. is carrying the bulk of that operation today, as Iran deploys new cruise missiles, and has built a new class of hypersonic missile that take less than 3 minutes to reach Tel Aviv. It won’t be long before it installs a nuclear head on that missile and possibly threaten to attack Israel for its terror against the Palestinian people.

A scenario that the Biden Administration is too myopic to fully foresee.

Nor should we expect the likes of AIPAC or the Zionists in America to fully grasp the folly of their support. In their minds, they think that if the United States ethnically cleansed the native Indians, so can Israel ethnically cleanse the Palestinians. Forgetting, of course, that 1.5 billion Muslims back the Palestinians, and a connected world that would never allow the same to ever happen again.

Maybe, this is why the United States wants to kill the idea of an International Criminal Court by ignoring International laws and the normal rules of engagement in wars.

Let’s wait and see how impotent the US soft power has become, all thanks to the violent Zionists in Israel intent on death and destruction.

Who Said Netanyahu Is Going To Win His War On Gaza?

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