Why Are Election Deniers Still Serving in Government?

Why Are Election Deniers Still Serving in Government
Kellyanne Conway Undermining the Republic. still.

To the shock of many in this nation, we learned few days ago that die-hard Trump enablers are still serving in the U.S. Government. We are not talking about appointed judges and the like; rather, we are talking about Kellyanne Conway, H.R. McMaster, and Sean Spicer, and so many more. The latter two served as the National Security Adviser, and White House Press Secretary. These were the closest people to Donald Trump. Why are election deniers still serving in Government? Their positions on military advisory boards make them a danger to the Republic. Finally, President Biden asked them to resign or be fired

In the case of Kellyanne Conway, she challenged Biden to fire her. In a Tweet, Conway told Joe Biden:

“I’m Not Resigning, But You Should”Kellyanne Conway - September 8, 2021

Still living on another planet, are you Kellyanne?


One would think that these Trump supporters, who mostly served on military advisory boards, would be a danger to our society. Who knows what poison they were spreading while on these boards to further the Big Lie, or even worse, to undermine our democracy from within. Why did it take so long for this administration to realize how dangerous it is to walk among the military given their history?

Furthermore, why Louis DeJoy, also a Trump supporter, is still the Postmaster General? Biden has yet to fire him even though this is a man who tried to sabotage the mail-in balloting towards the end of the summer in 2020.

What, you think he won’t try any other dirty tricks again?

It is imperative that this White House establishes a task Force to clean house from all the Trump appointees.


It is imperative that this White House establishes a task Force to clean house from all the Trump appointees. Find them and fire them. Pronto. While in place, many would undermine the system from within to help Donald Trump regain his footing. Just ask Heidi Stirrup at DOJ. CNBC described her efforts in this article:

Heidi Stirrup, an ally of top Trump adviser Stephen Miller, was quietly installed at the Justice Department as a White House liaison a few months ago. She was told within the last two weeks to vacate the building after top Justice officials learned of her efforts to collect insider information about ongoing cases and the department’s work on election fraud, the people said.CNBC - December 3, 2020

This one was caught. How many have not?

Why Are Election Deniers Still Serving in Government?

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