Will Ethnic Cleansing Lead to Nuclear Proliferation?

Will Ethnic Cleansing Lead to Nuclear Proliferation?
Will Ethnic Cleansing Lead to Nuclear Proliferation?

The least person one expects to understand what it means to normalize ethnic cleaning is Donald Trump. This jolt from the past of an imperialistic era, most have come to bid goodbye with the introduction of new covenants, treaties, and conventions to uphold the human rights of nations and individuals, is back in the 21st century fascism. But today’s nuclear arsenal did not exist in the 19th and early 20th centuries, which begs the question: Will ethnic cleansing lead to nuclear proliferation that could start a nuclear war where the Global South reacts to put a lid on a violent and unjust past? We think that normalizing ethnic cleansing is a very dangerous path.

We believe that Donald Trump would be reason number one why the Global South might race to arm itself with nukes to protect against the specter of the past. Today, among non-western nations, we have countries like Pakistan, India, and North Korea with a nuclear capable arsenal. Not far behind lurks Iran.

The fact that violent Zionists, like Benjamin Netanyahu, will not rest until they turn Iran to rubble, like Israel did to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, and Gaza, will force that country to arm itself with nukes.


Prior to the Nonproliferation Treaty of 1970, countries like South Africa and Brazil began to nuclearize. For either, it would not be hard to start again should the new American imperialism of Donald Trump threaten their interests or their allies. The United States cannot police the world using wars as a tool, or even sanctions, which the BRICS movement is minimizing their impacts. Those days of assembling an army are over. However, the days of using technology and covert operations will prompt countries to seek to defend themselves against Trump.

And if Trump believes he can muscle American interests on countries and people, just as he is muscling himself on Gaza, Greenland, Panama, and even Canada, we have news for him and his ilk pushing a dangerous agenda: Normalizing ethnic cleansing is a prelude to a nuclear war. There is little patience among the Global South to watch the rise of an imperialistic United States under the watch of a narcissist like Trump. Countries, whether we like it or not, are going to think long and hard about their defensive measures in light of Trump’s behavior and total disregard for the law.

First to hit that accelerator will be Iran. The fact that violent Zionists, like Benjamin Netanyahu, will not rest until they turn that country to rubble, like Israel did to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, and Gaza, will force Iran to arm itself with nukes. Who can blame the country with Israel spreading death and destruction everywhere?

Countries are realizing that their very existence may depend on how they could effectively limit Trump’s damage.


And if that does not work, there is a slight chance that the Global South, under a Russian-Chinese-Iranian umbrella, may come to form its own strategic military alliance to put an end to Trump’s arrogance and fascist tendencies. The more Trump pushes buttons that are not supposed to be pushed, the higher the chance we will see the world react in one form or another. Maybe by diplomatic means at first, but for long if Trump keeps persisting on breaking the international laws and destroying the rules that keep humanity safe.

We are not far from the breaking point.

Trump’s illegal and unhinged behavior on Gaza is a prelude to far more sinister scenarios in which allies pay as high a price as the helpless Palestinians are paying. When that happens, watch for countries to start their own nuclear programs, regardless of outcome.

Diplomacy works only when both interlocutors sing from the same sheet of music, but when one ignores all laws, diplomacy yields to the military option. Trump’s own behavior has countries thinking what defensive measures they can take against a bully who may not hesitate to nuke them just to have it his way.

They are realizing that their very existence may depend on how they could effectively limit Trump’s damage.

Will Ethnic Cleansing Lead to Nuclear Proliferation?

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