Witless Schumer Invited Netanyahu to Criticize Biden

Witless Schumer Invited Netanyahu to Criticize Biden
Witless Schumer Invited Netanyahu to Criticize Biden

Considering how many times Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized Joe Biden over the last few weeks, it is becoming quite obvious to many anxious Democrats that witless Schumer invited Netanyahu, who will criticize Biden in his address to Congress.

Just imagine the look on the face of Senator Chuck Schumer when that happens.

In reality, neither Schumer nor Biden have considered one little possibility: That when Israel loses the war in Gaza, Netanyahu wants a fall guy to save his skin, and that fall guy appears, more and more, to be Joe Biden.

And you know what, both idiots deserve what they have coming. They are letting a war criminal hand them both their political heads on a silver platter for the whole world to see how weak and controlled the United States has become as a country.

Who controls the U.S.? About a hundred Zionist billionaires who coordinate together to make sure only other Zionists are placed in the highest positions of power in the government, using their money to buy these positions.

They never work alone, but like a pack of wolves, each has a role to play in holding our country hostage to their Zionist violent ideology. Check their private jets flight patterns to know when they all meet secretly to plot the takeover of America to serve Israeli interests only.

When will America wake up to the poisonous influence of the Zionist billionaires on everything that moves in America?


The ICC has an ace up its sleeves. It would drop like a bomb if the ICC issues an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Fgallant on the same day Netanyahu addresses Congress. To follow with the Hamas attackers the next day, otherwise the U.S. biased media would elude mentioning the real criminal Netanyahu.

His speech of hate and lies would simply die under the headline “Netanyahu is a war criminal with an arrest warrant”. Nothing would more just and more confrontational to US complicity in the war than to demean their guest of honor. In our opinion, it would save the United States and Europe from the total annihilation of their western rule-based order.

After Gaza, it would be an understatement if the whole world mocks the United States if it ever spoke again of international laws, human rights, or democracy. When it comes to the U.S., these edicts have become on par with saying Santa Claus is coming down the chimney, or the tooth fairy paid your child a visit in the middle of the night.

Witless Chuck Schumer invited Benjamin Netanyahu, while forgetting that the war criminal is a die hard Republican ultranationalist, and Biden and Schumer are “supposed” to be liberal Democrats. Both are going to pay a dear price for mixing water and oil.

It goes to show the impact of bad money on our country when it could change your ideology overnight. From liberal Democrats to hard line conservative Republicans. Because of the Zionist billionaires pernicious influence on our government, both of our dominated political parties are now Zionist entities following Israel’s orders.

When will America wake up to the poisonous influence of the Zionist billionaires on everything that moves in America?

Witless Schumer Invited Netanyahu to Criticize Biden

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