America Has an Israel Problem

America Has an Israel Problem
America Has an Israel Problem

It has yet to dawn on our old and decrepit President, or our Congress of white supremacists and closet racists, but America has an Israel problem. One that a new generation of Americans will never accept after witnessing the atrocities that Israel has and is still committing in Gaza, and after absorbing the evil of colonialism manifesting itself unapologetically and in plain sight. A colonialism that fully explained the October 7 attacks of military resistance to an illegal occupation.

Yet, it seems that resistance to change of direction of the Israeli violent policies is the order of the day. Congress is overwhelmingly voting for whatever an unregistered AIPAC wants them to vote for, and Zionist money is raining to keep the evil of the status quo ongoing in Palestine.

There is absolutely zero loyalty to American values of human rights and the respect of international laws from our politicians. AIPAC tied their own personal interests to Israel, and both come before American interests. All the while as the world watches with dismay what a big lie Israel has become to the true nature of American democracy.

With such a demographic paradigm shift, the policies in defense of a white racist Israel will be hard to continue.


Our politicians and all Israeli lobbies are blind to two important events coming around the corner within 20 years.

One deals with the fact that by 2040, the same generation of Americans occupying the university campuses today will become our future leaders. Yes, they may toe the line of more American wars, but they will never forget or forgive what Israel has done to innocent women and children who faced, defenseless, the lethal weapons of the F-35 advanced fighter jets. To deploy these weapons on helpless and hapless innocent people is the ultimate act of cowardice.

Secondly, by the year 2040 or there about, Caucasians in America (excluding Latinos) will become a minority. Black and brown people’s birth rates rises to give them superior advantages in elections. With such a demographic paradigm shift, the policies in defense of a white racist Israel will be hard to continue.

By 2040 or before, Americans will start to curb Israel’s influence. Possibly even abandoning Israel all together for the liability it will represent.

The more the United States supports Israeli violence and terror, the more countries turn towards the BRICS+ model of inclusivity and equality.


Having said that, don’t think for a second that AIPAC and ADL are not aware of the upcoming demographic changes. To include how the Gaza War changed the attitudes of young Americans. Their solutions will always go along the lines of banning something, or illegally passing new laws to mitigate these risks. This may include voting for more authoritarian laws until we fully lose all freedoms.

Imagine for a moment an American society willing to imprison for a long time all dissenters and opponents of Israel’s expansionist and terrorizing direction. Thanks to Zionism, it’s coming around the corner.

The American Zionists are already taking us in that direction with the new law Congress just passed.

Oh, and don’t forget the new world order of BRICS+. The more the United States supports Israeli violence and terror, the more countries turn towards the BRICS+ model of inclusivity and equality.

America Has an Israel Problem

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