Arab Americans Must Vote For Trump

Arab Americans Must Vote For Trump
Arab Americans Must Vote For Trump

The title of this blog is not an endorsement of Donald Trump. Its purpose is to highlight a strategy that would cement Arab American and Muslim American (AAMA) powers in US Presidential elections for years to come. Arab Americans must vote for Trump to defeat Joe Biden, which would send a signal to future Presidents that their swing states’ votes count. If the AAMA communities vote for neither candidate, they would shoot themselves in the foot. Neutralization of one’s vote is not a good strategy because it renders you powerless and insignificant.

AAMA must endorse the long game option over the less favorable, emotional option of staying home on November 5, 2024. Staying home could mean Biden wins again. However, voting for Trump could mean Biden loses in the important swing states, which is exactly what AAMA should aim for.

Even if that means Trump wins, AAMA should hunker down for another four years of miserable existence. But if Biden loses, its impact will resonate for years to come. Both candidates, unfortunately, support the Zionist agenda, but if Biden loses, no future candidate running for office would ever again ignore your votes. You would impact the Presidential elections in ways that will only help the community influence our foreign policy, for generations to come. One that no longer plays a doormat to the Zionists, and ignores the demands of the AAMA communities across the country.

As far as Trump killing our democracy, do not believe these lies. Besides, who is mocking and trashing our Constitution on university campuses today?


Do not listen to Biden telling you how detrimental Trump is going to be to the same cause. The prize is your future influence over U.S. foreign policy, and not what Biden or Trump are going to do the next four years. We all know what both will do. We must think of what AAMA can do in 2028 and beyond.

Likewise, we know it is hard to swallow the Trump pill. The man represents the worst form of human existence one can imagine because of his racism and bigotry. But, it is not really about Trump. Voting for him in 2024 is a powerful message you send everyone in America that your vote will make a big difference in future presidential elections. And that should be your only goal today.

As far as Trump killing our democracy, do not believe these lies. First, our institutions are far stronger for any one man to kill no matter how powerful, and second, who is mocking and trashing our Constitution on university campuses today?

Setting other important policies aside, Biden must lose at all costs in 2024. Even if his replacement is a worse candidate.


Both Biden and Trump are loyal Zionists who will not hesitate to take their orders from powerful and wealthy American Zionists. It runs in their blood because campaign contributions often come from Zionist billionaires, whose influence is unfettered and unchecked.

When Trump sought the endorsement of Sheldon Adelson for his 2020 campaign, the late Casino magnate and Zionist billionaire asked, in return for his $424m contribution, that Trump moves the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Trump did not hesitate a moment.

If, however, AAMA controlled the swing state’s outcome, it would put a damper on such overt corruption of the Zionists running our country today. AAMA should play the long game in this uncontrollable environment where money speaks louder than votes.

Setting other important policies aside, Biden must lose at all costs in 2024. Even if his replacement is a worse candidate. Arab Americans must take control of their destiny in the United States of America by flexing their muscles in 2024.

Arab Americans Must Vote For Trump

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