Biden Dug His Own Grave

Biden Dug His Own Grave
Biden Dug His Own Grave

Our idiot President who has decimated his chances for 2024 does not realize that Benjamin Netanyahu wants him to lose the elections. The ultra-conservative, ultra-madman, and ultra-terrorist would rather see Donald Trump in the White House. Cry me a river, Joe, but there is a good reason we call you an idiot. Biden dug his own grave by doing everything to kill his chances at re-election in the service of someone who wants him to lose it. Maybe, idiocy is not a strong enough of a word.

Biden is beginning to realize his mistake, which we have been warning him about for over 3 months. Politico writes that Biden has called Netanyahu a “bad F*****k guy“. No kidding, Joe. He is that bad, hein!

You are really a moron, Joe Biden.

We have no respect for a President who cannot protect himself and our country from the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu, a con man of the first order. Biden went along with his con, and now he is paying a dear price at home in terms of voters choosing Trump over Biden for a very simple reason: Trump never facilitated the genocide of women and children.

For the Zionists, Trump would be a better candidate. The terrorist settler, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who became a minister in the Netanyahu government, said it out loud.


The longer the Gaza War keeps churning more dead Palestinian civilians Netanyahu is happy to oblige, the lesser are the chances that Biden might win in 2024. You can see it in the panic of his own campaign. Yet, Biden still has his foot on the gas pedal as he sends Netanyahu a $17.6 Billion gift Bibi is happy to use to kill more civilians in Biden’s name.

Yes, Biden is an idiot.

You would imagine that with all the bad news coming his way, Biden would call for a ceasefire. The old man is either napping or still mulling his options. But honestly, it is too late. A ceasefire might get some disillusioned voters back in his camp, but he will also lose the votes of committed Zionists.

Damn if he does, and damn if he does not. As we said, Biden dug his own grave. Had Biden placed stiff conditions on the use of U.S. weapons, and turn the spigot off the moment Netanyahu violated those terms, he would not be scratching his head today looking for answers.

Let’s do some logical deductions here. With a ceasefire in exchange for all the hostages, Israelis and Palestinians, Biden would end the war. Without one, Biden would continue to suffer a decline in his favorability numbers while attacking more Arab countries, that further digs his grave. What should he do?

Even with this deduction, Biden is still unsure how to proceed. Maybe he defunds UNRWA permanently, the American Zionist billionaires might give him some breadcrumbs for his re-election.

Apparently, Joe Biden hates Arabs and Muslims, and in Michigan and elsewhere, they are hating him back.


The problem is that Joe Biden has surrounded himself with extremist Zionists who couldn’t care less about him losing. For the Zionists, Trump would be a better candidate. The terrorist settler, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who became a minister in the Netanyahu government, said it out loud.

In the Politico article, author Jonathan Martin writes:

White House officials told me it was purposeful Thursday, before Biden made his first trip to Michigan this year, that the president used his remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast to decry hate against Arab Americans and offer prayers for those “held hostage or under bombardment or displaced,” while simultaneously releasing an executive order levying sanctions on Israeli settlers in the West Bank who have committed acts of violence on Palestinians. Biden aides have clearly absorbed the blowback they got from even friendly Democratic lawmakers for making no mention of Palestinian suffering in official statements they issued marking 100 days since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.Politico by Jonathan Martin - February 4, 2024

Apparently, Joe Biden hates Arabs and Muslims, and in Michigan and elsewhere, they are hating him back.

Good luck winning in November, Mr. Biden. Meanwhile, do not call for a ceasefire in Gaza. The images and videos of tens of thousands of dead and injured civilians are haunting millions of your voters, while you sleep them off just fine.

We believe Benjamin Netanyahu is going to make Joe Biden lose the elections. You made your bed, now lie in it, Mr. President.

Biden Dug His Own Grave

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