Biden Ignoring the Students is Like Hillary Ignored the Unions

Biden Ignoring the Students is Like Hillary Ignored the Unions

According to political elections facts for the 2016 Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump, she performed worse with union households than any Democratic candidate since 1984. Union leaders embraced her, but the rank and file ignored her. In fact, she did not even campaign in the Rustbelt states, which led to her defeat. How could a sophisticated political machine make such a crucial mistake? Well, it may happen again folks in 2024. As millions of voters suffer from out-of-control $1.8 Trillion student debt, Biden is still refusing to act. Biden ignoring the students is like Hillary ignored the rank and file unions. You don’t mess with 45 million voters; yet, Biden is doing exactly that.

I even say: Good luck keeping both Houses under the control of the Democrats post the 2022 mid-term elections.

If Joe Biden does not cancel student debt for millions of students, it would go down in history as the biggest mistake of his life that cost his party the power in Washington.


If you look at the political history of Joe Biden, you cannot but question his judgment on some of the worst decisions that led to tragic results. Whether abandoning Anita Hill to the predators in the GOP during the Justice Clarence Thomas hearings, or writing the Crime Bill of 1994 that led to breaking the American black families apart. Whether he dropped out of 1988 presidential race because he plagiarized, or his vote to gut the welfare system so many millions rely upon to survive in a world of slavery wages. Joseph Biden has lapses of judgment that often have deep consequential results.

He even acted like a real racist when he said of President Obama:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”Vice-President Joe Biden

The man is prone to making silly mistakes most politicians can sidestep with more finesse and more prescience.

If Joe Biden does not cancel student debt for millions of students, it would go down in history as the biggest mistake of his life that cost his party the power in Washington. You don’t mess around with 45 million voters eager to see themselves free from the shackles of predatory banks as well as the US Government, which could care less about their people. Especially not when the cancellation does not even require a bill. It could just happen through Executive Order.

Trump galvanized the Millennials to vote for Biden, but, it seems, today’s Commander-in-chief is losing their energy and enthusiasm because of his loyalty to big banks.


Biden has helped, or tried to help, every sector or demographic of our voters except the students suffering as much as those on welfare and families struggling.

The Infrastructure Bill addresses gaps in the US Government’s obligation to keep its citizens safe and prospering. So does the American Families Bill, which provides much assistance with regard to child care and welfare. But why is Biden ignoring the students? All 45 million of them suffering from education loans 100% of students in Europe, and even Canada, do not struggle with because high education is free.

It is a mystery. Suffice to point to a fact that may shed some light on why. The State of Delaware is home to the credit card industry. Big banks making hundreds of billions a year from loan-sharks-like credit card debt. Could this be the reason why the President is reluctant to forgive the loans? The loss in interest revenues to the same big banks could be monumental.

Is Joe Biden busy trying to flip the south to vote for the Democratic Party that he forgot his own base? Just like Hillary in 2016? This is what it looks like. The President has lost sight of who put him in the White House in the first place. It’s not just the black voters, Biden must remember that he got also all of Bernie Sanders voters who today are asking him to cancel their student debt.

Should he fail to listen, the Millennials would have zero guilt about sitting out the elections going forward. Trump galvanized the Millennials to vote for Biden, but, it seems, today’s Commander-in-chief is losing their energy and enthusiasm because of his loyalty to big banks.

Biden Ignoring the Students is Like Hillary Ignored the Unions

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