Call the Next American Civil War the Schroeder War

Just as Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is infamous for sparking World War I

Just as Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is infamous for sparking World War I, should our country experience another civil war, which seems plausible today as angry white males promote it everywhere, white supremacist judge Bruce Schroeder will be the one that sparked it because he just permitted future armed vigilantes to take the law into their own hands by claiming they are protecting property. The mostly all white jury that sat in the Rittenhouse case just empowered thousands, or maybe tens of thousands of alt-right violent white men to roam our streets looking for innocent protesters to kill. Or simply, innocent Americans to kill. All because Schroeder telegraphed them incessantly the word “innocent” with regard to the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse. Self-defense or not, do you really think these dumb white rednecks know the difference? Call the next American civil war the Schroeder War.

The Rittenhouse case is historical because it might unleash a violent and angry white vigilante mob unto our streets just as the Fuhrer Trump unleashed his angry white mob unto the Capitol on January 6. They are one and the same viewed from a different angle. Thanks to judge Bruce Schroeder, watch for more AR-15’s to hit the streets against peaceful protesters. Especially against the ones whose color is not pure white, or those who defend black or brown lives.

And some think our justice system is fair and equitable. Tell that to the victims Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.

The “not guilty” verdict the jury delivered sent a shiver down the spine of the 5 million American Jews in this country whose historical persecution continues under the supposed protection of our Constitutional guarantees.


Two of Rittenhouse victims were Jews. Grant you the 17-year old Rittenhouse, well-baked into practicing violence, did not know it at the time; but as the trial began, everyone knew that a white supremacist kid has killed two Jewish demonstrators. All the more reasons for Bruce Schroeder to show his true white supremacist nature.

They are Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber — Huber is German, which is derived from the word hide.

On trial was their Jewishness as white supremacists view them. The “not guilty” verdict the jury delivered sent a shiver down the spine of the 5 million American Jews in this country whose historical persecution continues under the supposed protection of our Constitutional guarantees.

So much for words protecting the vulnerable and the innocent.

Now, judge Schroeder has given the same white supremacists the right to become jury, judge, and executioners.


I am not a legal expert but I believe the State can appeal the case to a higher court. The fact that a theatrical and a dangerous judge influenced the jury for a no-guilty verdict is reason enough to appeal. You cannot have a judge dog whistle the jury the word “innocent” when he refuses to call those who died “victims”.

Colin Kaepernick, the previous NFL star subject to country-wide racism, summarized the outcome of the race by tweeting:

Yes, the Constitution guarantees free assembly to all, but the white supremacist system has long resolved that issue to mean only white people free assembly.

Now, judge Schroeder has given the same white supremacists the right to become jury, judge, and executioners.

Remember that of the thousands who stormed the Capitol, the U.S. Government only prosecuted 600 of them. The same might happen if tens of thousands take the law into their own hands.

Call the Next American Civil War the Schroeder War

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