Carlson Painting the Insurrection as a Tourism Flick

Carlson Painting the Insurrection as a Tourism Flick
Carlson Painting the Insurrection as a Tourism Flick

The pushback on Tucker Carlson painting the insurrection as a tourism flick has been swift and decisive on both sides of the aisle. For a change, this time around. From the looks of it, Tucker Carlson is cementing his reputation as a propagandist the likes Germany had in Goebbels when he was recently caught lying about the election results to his audience even though he believed President Biden won the 2020 election, and now comes this tour de force to try and wash America’s most momentous history right before our naked eyes.

The question that we should all ask is: Why did Kevin McCarthy provide the 41,000 hours of footage to a propagandist? You will find the answer in this article entitled “McCarthy pulls his 5 GOP members from 1/6 committee after Pelosi rejects 2 of his picks“.

Yes, folks. It’s the McCarthy way of washing his own sins when he chose not to have any voices on the January 6 committee. He knew he made a grave mistake, so now he is trying to re-write the American history with the help of a liar. But instead of correcting his past mistake, he made a worse one.

Go figure, these politicians. Many of whom believe everybody is stupid except them.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called it a mistake, which is another way of saying to Kevin McCarthy, “You tried to correct a mistake by turning it into a worse one”.


The pushback against Carlson came from the Democrats, of course, but more importantly, it also came from the Chief of the U.S. Capitol Police, Thomas Manger, whose public statement read:

The program conveniently cherry-picked from the calmer moments of our 41,000 hours of video. The commentary fails to provide context about the chaos and violence that happened before or during these less tense moments.The Huffpost by Arthur Delaney - March 7, 2023

Cherry-picked? That sounds to us like propaganda. It sounds to us that Tucker Carlson is not really a journalist after the truth, but just a tiny, etsy, betsy Joseph Goebbels practicing his craft.

Manger goes on to defend the late Officer Brian Sicknick reminding Carlson that he died the next day as a result of the violence of Trump supporters. Yes, Carlson does not a reminder.

Some Republicans pushed back, with some calling Carlson portrayal of January 6 as “Bull****”. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called it a mistake, which is another way of saying to Kevin McCarthy, “You tried to correct a mistake by turning it into a worse one”.

Today, it’s not hard to predict that Carlson painting the insurrection as a tourism flick will eventually lead to a change of color at Fox. From green to red.


The very personae of Tucker Carlson is defunct and defective. He may be bringing in the ratings today, but his viewers are beginning to realize how flawed he is as a human being. If you met his father, as this writer has, you would understand why.

In the aftermath of two embarrassing episodes, both authored by Carlson’s lack of objectivity, maybe Rupert Murdoch should consider firing him. It is a question of time before he makes another mistake that just eats away at the Fox brand.

If green is Murdoch’s favorite color, there are more honest hosts who can draw similar ratings. Today, it’s not hard to predict that Carlson painting the insurrection as a tourism flick will eventually lead to a change of color at Fox. From green to red.

Carlson Painting the Insurrection as a Tourism Flick

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