Danger Looms Ahead After The Biden Trip to Israel

Danger Looms Ahead After The Biden Trip to Israel
Danger Looms Ahead After The Biden Trip to Israel

What if U.S. intelligence picked up chatter, and our spy satellites picked up troop movements, or preparation that may threaten Israel even more? What if the danger to Israel is far more serious than we are let to believe, which warrants more forceful action like sending a second carrier task group to the region? Furthermore, what if Iran is preparing for even more sinister action using its assets in Lebanon and Syria? It’s not every day that the Iranian regime of terror can gleefully witness Israel on the ropes fighting to survive terror. Danger looms ahead after the Biden trip to Israel, which aims at not only putting out fires, but also possibly show resolve in the face of menacing signals.

We don’t know, really. But the trip, at this moment in time, is significant. It tells us that President Biden cannot resolve the issues using a telephone. It might also mean that Prime Minister Netanyahu is so intent on destroying Gaza that the President felt compelled to face him directly. Much danger looms ahead for Israel. Still.

There is no doubt that the level of sophistication Hamas demonstrated in its attack is not their own.


Hamas is a terror organization, but not a sophisticated one. Unlike Hezbollah, which Israel could not defeat after its incursion in Lebanon in 2006, Hamas is a miniature mini me. Its operatives rely mostly on simple attacks to exact immediate revenge, while foregoing the task of developing any clever strategy to win.

But this time around, it seems Hamas had a plan. Rather than just fire rockets against Israeli towns, it also entered the country, killed Israelis wholesale, to include women and children, then kidnapped some 200 of its citizens to use as human shields. Why do you think Israeli forces have yet to enter Gaza?

Although one can say that this strategy failed because of an immense Israeli response to flatten the Gaza Strip, there is no doubt that the level of sophistication Hamas demonstrated in its attck is not their own. If we have to rely on their history of attacks. Therefore, bank on Iran to have concocted the strategy behind this attack.

Just like the peace treaty Israel extracted from Egypt and Jordan, which provided the country with a lasting peace of mind.


This also explains the trip of President Biden to Israel. The fear in the United States that in light of the Hamas terror attack, there would be other consequent developments that may open other fronts against Israel during this period of high stress.

The Israeli innocent civilians do not deserve what has happened to them, which is why the world must terminate the existence of Hamas. But doing so in the void without any adjustments to US and Israeli foreign policies would be useless. Another organization would rise to replace Hamas if the continued strong arm occupation by Israel cannot be terminated, and in its place the rise of a peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians everywhere.

Just like the peace treaty Israel extracted from Egypt and Jordan, which provided the country with a lasting peace of mind.

Israelis are realizing that more land grabbing means more sophisticated terror because it invites Iran to take advantage of Palestinians grievances.


Our hope is that President Biden insisted, after meeting Netanyahu, that only a two-state solution would provide lasting peace in the region. The President did mention it in his press conference in Israel, which gives the world hope that maybe we should pull all of our energy towards that goal.

Judging from the Netanyahu extremist cabinet, the likelihood that the Prime Minister shot down that idea in favor of occupying more land is a high probability. From the get go, Israelis elected a government whose central premise was that a threat to the full security of Israel can only be eradicated if the country occupied more land to protect its flanks.

That theory is almost dead now. Israelis are realizing that more land grabbing means more sophisticated terror because it invites Iran to take advantage of Palestinians grievances.

Let us go back to the two-state solution, whether the extremists in Israel want it or not. The Israeli people must be thinking that we tried and failed what Netanyahu told us of the best means by which we can achieve peace for our nation. Now, they must make a full U-turn to try what many countries around the world have advised them to do.

Maybe this explains why Netanyahu’s popularity has dropped to 29%. The Prime Minister doomed his chances when he believed he could out terrorize the terrorists.

Danger Looms Ahead After The Biden Trip to Israel

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